Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there! I'm fairly new to this whole forum RP thing but I'm really excited to hop into this site, it looks so exciting. I thing I'm having a bit of trouble with is just how daunting creating a character seems. I'm sure I can do it but any help would be great! I'm trying to create a Jedi character and looking to join the OSJ so to anyone with any experience with that who's willing to help, thank you in advance! Can't wait to hop in!
Hello there!

Welcome first and foremost to the site. If you need any help, please feel free to message myself or anyone on the site. This place is full of wonderful and helpful people!


Welcome to Chaos.

The quickest way to get things going is to read through the rules and use the character creation template here to fill up your character details.

As for what character you want to create, that's up to your imagination but needs to comply with the rules and relevant to Star Wars universe.

After creating your Jedi, you can apply to join the Silver Jedi Order (SJO) faction. You can also join more than one faction, just FYI.


Disney's Princess

Welcome. Please enjoy your stay. :D

Look around and take in the sights. You'll find plenty of amazing examples in both profiles and RP. Do by all means, join the Silver Jedi Faction and speak with their people about how you can jump in. Don't be afraid to PM or Discord them often. Being new is the best time to ask questions, make friends, make mistakes, and build bridges together.

Cheers and happy hunting. :)
Why write a Jedi when you can be a Sith? In all honesty welcome to Chaos - It's a lot to take in but as long as you sort yourself with a faction, their members will help you out to the best of their abilities. If you haven't already, I suggest you join your faction's discord and make friends from there.


infinitely curious

Hello. I was absolutely new to forum RP myself, when I started here 2 months ago. But the community was really nice at taking me in and I have always enjoyed my time on the site. If you have questions or want to start in a joint RP with your first character, send me a PM.

Aiesha Solari

Hello welcome to the site glad to hear your settling in , perhaps our two characters will meet up some day.
Enjoy your stay.
[member="IlvaHerslef"] Hello and welcome to Chaos. Seeing as you want to join the SJO, I'd point you to [member="John Locke"], he's the current faction owner of the Silver Jedi. I also have a padawan character in there, but currently inactive, though I plan to bring him back at some point in the near future.

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