Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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profoundly disabled
Hello there! I'm actually really excited to be making this post. I had been considering joining a forum RP for a while, but I didn't due to a lack of confidence in my own writing skills. I finally decided to get over it and do this anyway. This was one of the few forums I had been looking at and I decided on this one over the others after a small amount of lurking in the Open Role-Playing board.

I really look forward to meeting and writing with you all. I've already thought of two characters ( Avernus Avernus and Amaly Vess) and hope to finish them soon.
Guts Guts Welcome welcome to Chaos and congrats on taking that first step! Chaos is a very inclusive community when it comes to writing levels, and there are many writers here who don't even have English as a first (or second. Or third) language but still post happily. Glad to have you with us and looking forward to playing with you soon <3

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