Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I IsaacMMohn

Welcome to Chaos! First time? Hope you enjoy! I see you got a Jedi there... well we have the Order of the Silver Jedi recently relocated to Commenor. Also the Confederacy while loving its tech has its share of Jedi. In fact, you'll find Jedi just about everywhere. <jest> They're like a weed, am I right, Sith? (Course the Sith are like a plague, but you didn't hear me say that.) </jests>

Here's a collection of some information that may help. If you have any questions though, feel free to DM, or ask here or on Discord; the community likes helping out.

Getting Started | Rules
  • Key Event: 424 ABY Various Organizations and the Vong come together to rebuild every world that was destroyed (example: Alderaan).
  • Key Event: 428 ABY Gulag Plague spreads throughout the galaxy killing...well, a lot.
  • Key Event: 835 ABY Almost all remaining sentient life is immune to the Gulag Plague, the galaxy begins on the road to recovery.
  • Current Year: somewhere around 860 ABY (time's a bit fluid)
Factions | Check out some cool BBCodes now or later if you want to add a dash of color to the Character Profile (totally not necessary though).
Looking for Group subforum | Join us on Discord too! If that's your thing. If not that's okay.

Small Chaos Tip: When you make a thread in Open Role-Play, it's open to certain groups of people depending on what Flair you give it. If you want an invite-only thread, check out Private Role-Play and invite as many as you like!

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