Once more, welcome to Star Wars RP.net! Do not feel discourage, as there's plenty of avenues for you to have fun here at Star Wars RP.net.
I would like to say that I am sorry if you feel like my responses have been too harsh. Nothing was personally directed at you. If I saw the same issues that I perceived in your application in anyone else's, then I would have said the same thing.
Unfortunately, you presented a character concept and species that was clearly not in-line with Star Wars lore. As a Star Wars role-playing board, the lore behind the entire series is taken very seriously and we have to ask that content posted in role-plays is backed up in the Star Wars universe. New submissions in the Factory (which effectively add non-canon elements to this site) are placed under heavy scrutiny, so it will take considerable work before your submission can be approved.
However, this does not mean that you cannot attempt to further improve your submission for the Titan species! If you have the will to work on it, then it can be saved.
Also, I would like to tell you that my very first original character for a Star Wars role-play was an Anakin Skywalker rip-off. You are free to make your characters with existing canon elements of Star Wars any way you wish, and if it turns out your character seems suspiciously close to Luke Skywalker in Episode IV then you are not in trouble. You will not be judged or criticized for it being so, as Star Wars RP.net already has a plethora of canon copy-cats.
If anything, post any character idea you can think of. A Role-play Judge will help you along your way so long as you wish for their help.