Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm been wanting to make a Jedi character for ages, and my ideas for one have slowly developed until... here I am. I'm looking forward to progressing this character, and getting to know the Silver Jedi- I plan on making this one of my main characters. :D

(Which is saying something since i've lost count of how many I have.)

Not as many as Cira, don't worry.

Anyway. Hello all!

Edit: I somehow forgot to link my bio! XD
(I know, I can't believe it either... Still had to have a tail, though. :p)

(And that would be fantastic. :D)

Soran tilted his head to the side slightly, much like a dog does when paying attention to something that interests it.

"What can you teach me?"

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
(LOL [member="Matsu Ike"])

Soran's eyes went wide, his mouth opening for a moment as if he was about to say something, before closing, a huge smile crossing his face.


[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
( This is going to be some fun roleplay. :D )

Soran's eyes widened as he was suddenly scooped up, but his gasp of suprise soon turned to a shout of joy. He was beginning to like this man.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
xD I usually go to bed about nine, and it's almost ten, so i'll wait until the mornin' if that's alright with you. :p

I look forward to this though, thanks for taking interest. :D
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] - And I you. :)

Going to head to bed now in a few, will make the thread tomorrow. I'm only still awake because I had to edit mybio to keep the tail. xD

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