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Welcome to Chaos! If you have any questions at all feel free to ask. I'm here to help, especially if you're interested in using the Codex! Of course if you have any questions not related to Codex I'll answer those as well
I'm still deciding when/where/why/how I'm going to jump back into this Universe, [member="Tobias Wraith"]. Not sure if I'm going to join something or try to create some new story lines. But good writers to help are always welcome either way!
[member="Tobias Wraith"], characters tend to flow organically through my fingertips when I start writing them. I honestly never know how they're going to develop. They all have a mind of their own. Something is telling me this may be a very dark, manipulative, sinister character. Then again, she could turn out to be the epitome of sweet and innocent. But I'm definitely wanting to get her started tonight if I find any inspiration.