Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi Guys. My name is Rae. I'm 14 years old, not new to RP, just the site. Anyway, I'd love to make friends and get to know everyone on here. I am homeschooled and generally shy. Not very talkative until I kinda start talking with someone. I have a brother in the Army who doesn't talk to me, including tons of other family on my mom's side. I'm also working my way up to become a singer. Used to ride Arabian horses.

Once I create a character, feel free to contact me about rping if you are ever interested.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Rae Jarrus"]

Welcome aboard :) I was fourteen when I started RP'ing online, back when the world was flat. I think you'll find Chaos a really interesting environment. There's a ton of people within your general age group; that, and when you RP with a bunch of people, it often doesn't matter who the writer is or how old they are. Anything you need, just let us know and we'll get you squared away.


[member="Rae Jarrus"]


I think I was fourteen when I first started, as well. So I know how you may feel and everything. :p

Anyway, welcome and hope you enjoy your stay here! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Connor Harrison

[member="Rae Jarrus"] Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun with us, and if you need help at all with anything just shout. :)

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