Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello, people of Chaos. Er...don't really have anything else to say. A friend of mine brought me over to join a couple plots that he's got planning, but if anyone has any other thread ideas they want to throw at me, I'm completely okay with that. It's been a couple years since I've roleplayed anything so I'm a little rusty.
[member="Jodi Chapman"]

Don't worry too much about it :p and if you want some more threads then what your doing with your friend there is a Looking For Group section in the forums if you want to find some more people. I hope you enjoy your time here :)

Tanomas Graf

[member="Jodi Chapman"]

Welcome to Chaos! If you have any questions about the Factory, don't listen to anything I say!

Connor Harrison

[member="Jodi Chapman"] Welcome to the Chaos. Enjoy your time here and shout if you need help along the way with anything :)

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