Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Helmet fit for an Assassin (Dev Thread)

Yuroic fiddled around with a datapad, he pondered as he flicker the image around, he couldn't figure out the whole construction of the design. Yuroic sighed as he thought that he was going to not have the creation of the helmet, he had worked in several interesting aspects but he realised that his designs were before his technical skills.

Yuroic stood and sighed as he needed a superior mind, he couldn't think of anyone better than Sferic Ioquia, an eccentric Twi'lek technican and scientist, only reason why he was on Nar Shaddaa was former experiment went horribly wrong. Although he wasn't all together, he was still the best at creating hi-tech armour, weapons and more. The only reason others didn't use him was because he was hidden, trying to avoid being noticed. Yuroic only found him because of an assassination gone wrong and he needed to find medical help.

Yuroic approached the scientist's door, he looked either side as he waited for the coast to be clear. He knocked several times and in a pattern only known to him through practice. The doors slide open with a slow woosh, he smiled to Sferic who groaned deeply.

"What do you want now?" Sferic mumbled as he wandered around then stroked his lekku and twitched hard.

"Well I got a design for you." Yuroic handed over the datapad.
The Twi'lek took the datapad as he scanned over the design muttering several times as he started walking around in circles as he played with the design. He looked up at Yuroic then he looked down at the ground, turning around quickly before he looked up once again.

"Cortosis is a rare ore, you will need to waste days mining it off world or you might want to gather several others to take on a raid of cortosis metal being shipped to one of the Hutt Lords." Sferic jumped slightly and shivered as he continues to wandering in circles.

"Right but if I get the metal from the Hutt then you can make the helmet?" Yuroic asked hopefulness heavy in his voice.

"Well... In theory, I have to test the ability to enhance your mental processes, it's a difficult process but yes with the metal I can do it... Yes... Why cortosis?" Sferic wandered to a corner and starts grabbing scraps of Durasteel.

"Well because I want to improve my Force powers and that likes means that I will at some point face another Force user and I don't want to lose my head." Yuroic chuckled it away but he couldn't afford to lose much more sleep over this. Sferic nodded his head and sent him away.

Yuroic walked outisde and sighed, if he was going to take a raid on a Hutt Lord for cortosis metal he needed back up, skilled back up. He sent a datapad message to any Hunter, Assassin or Smuggler on the planet that could possibly help him.
Yuroic inspected the datapad to see what information he could abtain from it but as soon as he looked at it he realised that Sferic had misinformed him of the location of the cortosis as it was actually located in Bespin, he growled and mumbled to himself as due to the lack of replies to his message sent out he needed to hitchhike a ride straight to Bespin and he needed to get there fast. Instead of sending another message out and waiting on a reply Yuroic decided to do the raid solo, it couldn't be that hard, they wouldn't be suspecting a raid so there be a lack of security.

Yuroic wandered down to the shipping yard, he needed to find a ship going to Bespin, if he asked around enough he was sure he could find a ship going there. He looked around and repeated approached people asking them if they were going to Bespin and after awhile he started suspecting they were either lying to him or he was really just unlucky, how was he going to get to the planet now and perform the raid. He sighed deeply. He thought he was going to get an amazing helmet now but he couldn't get off the planet yet.
He sighed as he for the first time in his life felt trapped on this moon of a planet. He rose and was about to head off when he was stopped by a Quarren who grinned at him, he seemed more friendly than nearly all the Quarrens Yuroic ever meant st once. He found that rather suspicious.

"I heard you want to travel to Bespin. I can take you there but I want a third of the profit you make of any business there." The Quarren spoke in its native tongue which Yuroic always struggled to decipher, but he roughly got the message, growling.

"One third? No way, you get a fifth, end of." Yuroic haggled.

"No, one third, or you stay here." The Quarren seemed to know his game of haggling well.

"One sixth then." Yuroic countered, using his favourite technique of lowering the price till they go for the original one he offered.

"One third." The Quarren looked at Yuroic with cold eyes, Yuroic could see that haggling was non-negotiable and sighed.

"One third then." Yuroic waved as the Quarren dragged him over to what seemed scrap metal with wings, his mouth dropped. This was how he would die. Killed in a spacecraft. Not like in a battle as he had hoped.
The journey to Bespin had been one of Yuroic strapping himself to a chair as much as possible with his constant screaming as they left the moon and went into hyperspace, the Quarren looked at Yuroic with a distain as Yuroic mumbled that he was going to die. The ship eventually landed on the planet, the Cloud City port, luckily Yuroic's raid was on Cloud City but for how much longer he did not know.

He reluctantly thanked the Quarren for transport here and set about kissing the ground, more thankful for being alive. He wandered around the city area. Having never visited the area he found it all quite strange and brilliant at once. Yuroic sighed as he set about ensuring that he could take on this raiding challenge. There were eight guards of the cortosis metal, he needed to take them out, it was also then how does he get away onto a ship heading to Nar Shaddaa... He knew that the Quarren offered to return him as well but he really didn't want to fly in the death trap again. This might be a sign that he needs to get his own ship.

Yuroic set a path that he knew could work and he composed himself for the task. He breathed in deeply. This was going to be a challenge but he could it. He could do it. He could... There were four new guards added, Yuroic cursed under his breath, their formation around the crates made it impossible to assassin them and not get seen. He had to go full out attack.

Yuroic drew his blaster, inhaling deeply he readied himself for a battle as he fired the first shot hitting the Gamorrean guard straight between the eyes, the others a couple of Duros, Twi'leks and Humans all pointing their weapons at Yuroic.
A quick dive behind a wall was all that saved him from being blasted to swiss cheese. Leaning half out he returned fire, though his aim was not perfect, he was shocked he got the Gamorrean guard so perfectly first tine. He continued to shoot at then, realising this was drawing alot of unwanted noise and attention. Hiding back behind the wall, he opened a pocket and found his grenades.

He activated a cryo grenade, not wanting to use a thermal in case he accidently damaged the cortosis. He threw the grenade and started firing at them again. He noticed they were scattered now and the crate was free. He raced forward and grabbed the crate, keeping straight on as he could feel the shots still being fired at him as he ran.

He had to find a place to hide but he was looking around and he couldn't find anything, the stomps were not far behind him as he knew they were close on his heels as he darted through the streets of Cloud City, panting hard as he carried the seemingly heavy crate of cortosis.
Yuroic searched around the nearby area then swung himself around a corner as he heard the Hutt guards calling out to him, hot on his heels as he growled. He couldn't find anywhere to go as he looked desperately, just as he saw the guards' shadows turning the corner he dived into a room blindly with the crate wrapped in his arms. As he looked around he noticed that he was in an engineering room, he couldn't stay still for long and started running around the huge room looking for another exit.

He was able to find one on the opposite wall, he stepped calmly out of the room, his hood covering his face as he carried the crate of cortosis like he owned it, he was surprised thst he was able to get away from the guards as easy as he did but then he supposed that there was going to be a hefty bounty on his head now but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Yuroic then snuck onto the Quarren's ship and growled that he need to get back to Nar Shaddaa now!

The Quarren stuck his hand out waiting for his creds but instead got a chunk of cortosis metal. With Yuroic growling, "That's worth a damn sight more than the creds you thought you were getting. Sell that on the market and you will rolling in the money." The Quarren studied it and noted its authentity. He then reluctantly started the engine and set off for Nar Shaddaa. Yuroic knew that being back on Nar Shaddaa could be dangerous so soon after stealing the cortosis but he needed the helmet as soon as possible.

The ship came out of hyperspace a few hours later and Yuroic reluctantly thanked the Quarren for his support before he wandered the streets of Nar Shadda with the crate looking for Sferic who said he could build his helmet with the metal now. He felt his side stinging harshly now and looked down, he realised he hadn't gotten away from the guards as easily as he thought as he attempted to compress the wound with his hand to stem the bleeding
He limped back to Sferic's lab, leaving a clear trail of blood as he limped holding his side firmly. He knocked the rhymic knock but a little faster than previously. He watched as Sferic answered the door idly looking around to see if Yuroic had been followed before dragging him inside. He looked at Yuroic's wound then tutted before pottering about as he fetched several medical supplies. He eventually wandered back to Yuroic and ordered Yuroic to remove his upper clothing. Yuroic growled as he removed his cloak, under shirt and mask as he place the crate on the table, he noticed that Sferic had started work on his helmet which brought a smile. The smile was quickly removed as disinfectant was poured on his wound, he got a strong whiff of alcohol from it and grunted as his face winced in pain.

"So got cortosis... Yes... Yes. Excellent can build helmet now, very strong, very good. Let me get to work..." Sferic continue to mutter to himself as he bandaged Yuroic up. Slapping the bandage which caused Yuroic to groan before turning away and inspecting the metal from crate tutting and tapping.

"Is it enough Sferic? Its all I could get and I had to go to Bespin for it..." Yuroic inquried as he just loosely drapped the cloak on his shoulders before wandering over to the skeleton of the helmet and inspecting it.

"It is plenty, can do whole helmet with it now. Now sit over there and let me work in silence." Sferic growled as he pointed Yuroic to a corner where a stool was. Yuroic complied and sat on the stool quietly and waited for Sferic to finish designing the helmet into the shape he wanted.
It took several hours for Sferic to bend and mold the metal into the correct shape for the skeleton. The metal would eventually fit and Sferic worked on the other modifications to the helmet, starting the fiddly work of a HUD system that he could use to target his opponents.

Yuroic twiddled his thumbs in boredom as this happened, having to sit away and not be involved in the engineering of his helmet was not nearly exciting enough for him. He had taken on a Hutt's security of a valuable and rare item and survived. It might have been close but he lived.

Yuroic's thoughts were interrupted byba cough and fire, the cough was from Sferic and the fire was on the helmet. Yuroic jumped in and patted the fire out with a cloth left laying around.

"How did the fire start Sferic?" Yuroic asked.

"Oh don't it be out now. Just a bit of miswiring but it should be ready for testing now." Sferic grinned gleefully.

Yuroic grabbed the helmet and placed it on his head, the visor came down and the breathing mask moved to the centre and locked into place, Yuroic looked around and the system tag Sferic as a friend.

"Well the HUD seems to work perfectly, what about the enhancements for my cognitive capability?" Yuroic asked, though he wasn't dependent on the idea he thought it would help immensely.
Sferic tutted at Yuroic's impatience as he walked over and adjusted several things on the helmet before knocking on the metal to tell Yuroic it was a go. Yuroic grinned as he pressed a button and a needle jabbed at Yuroic's neck before the enhancing drug was pumped into his blood stream allowing to feel the affects quicker.

"How long does it take for to drugs to take affect?" Yuroic inquried curious about how he would have to apply it. No sooner he asked he could feel the drug taking affect, it was fast acting but he could feel himself thinking faster and his movements seemed to be faster than Sferic's. He felt amazing but it didn't last long. 1 minute later the drug began to wear off and but a minute and a half it had completely worn off.

Yuroic sighed as he looked to Sferic, "why couldn't the drug last longer? It's less than two minutes..." He was hoping for a longer period to do that in.

"Well the drug would kill you if you overdosed on it, the affects would overload your brain. It is also not invicible to lightsaber attacks and water short circuits the HUD system okay?" Sferic explained as Yuroic nodded his head in understanding.

"However benefits are you can target friendlies and foes, track their movements and air filtration means you can breath freely. Also you gain a short period of boost cognitive function, your react time will increase as will your thinking processes so your pros might outweigh your cons." Sferic explained as Yuroic grinned behind the helmet, this was what he wanted.

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