Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request Help a Lady Out, Please?

Hello! Liin here has been coming across some danger lately since venturing out in the Galaxy. Who knew that it was so bad out there? Ha ha! ;)

Having zero experience in combat, she could use some help in that regard! Like how to throw a punch properly, how to shoot a little blaster, or use a blade to defend herself!

I have not written combat before, so this is an opportunity for me to learn as well. Is there anyone willing to help?

Caedyn Arenais

Hello! Liin here has been coming across some danger lately since venturing out in the Galaxy. Who knew that it was so bad out there? Ha ha! ;)

Having zero experience in combat, she could use some help in that regard! Like how to throw a punch properly, how to shoot a little blaster, or use a blade to defend herself!

I have not written combat before, so this is an opportunity for me to learn as well. Is there anyone willing to help?

I can provide training in the use of blasters or other weapons if that's applicable. Melee combat is also heavily rehearsed in Caedyn's experience.

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