Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Help for a fellow Roleplayer in a new setting?

Is there anything you need help with? I can list off a few things I can think of off the top of my head that most people have asked of me and others.
  • Your writer account can be a character.
  • Subaccounts (Those accounts that have the Character rank title and belong to the "Character Group") are created via going to your profile (click your name up in that bar at the top of the page next to the envelope button) and clicking Add Subaccount. You can use these for making alts (other accounts for future characters), and can switch between them with that white dropdown box up above in that same bar you clicked on earlier.
  • You can only make one writer account - this is what you created when you registered to the site.
  • The avatar of a character should be a representation of your character, like mine and others you see.
  • All force users must start out at Padawan/Apprentice rank unless you are transferring a character over from another Star Wars RP site, which you will need to follow a procedure to do.
  • You don't need to get permission to join the many open factions on the board - just click Join Faction once you reach their faction page.
  • Here is a list of rules for creating your character.
  • Here is a list of role-play rules.
  • If you wish to be a non-canon droid model it must be approved in the factory.
  • Here is a list of all banned species and characters.
  • Here is a list of all Banned & Restricted items.
  • Here is an example of a character Biography sheet

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos!

As you can see, plenty of us are here to help you out - have fun out there!



Fun, lovable dork
I was just like you when I came to this community, transferred my character and jumped in. If you need any help, just ask. I look forward to seeing you in the rp, good luck and may the force be with you.
Wow I honestly never thought I would get this many responses. So all who are asking what would I like is I would just like to learn how to role play here and help set up my character and profile, and before anyone asks what would like to be for my character I would like to be a apprentice of some sort im still currently deciding but since im new to star wars rp I don't know its alot of decisions

If you can give me specific questions, I would be happy to oblige and answer them thoroughly. I was also overwhelmed when I first joined, but now that I have been around for awhile it does get very easy and comfortable.
[member="Sager"] First choice: Do you want to be a force user? If so, do you want to be darkside or lightside or maybe something in between? Those sorts of questions, exclusive from any sort of knowledge of Star Wars, will help you to discern your starting point.
Yes I would like to have my chracter Reverance to be a force user but maybe later for the future he might become a bounty hunter, and with the question on which side to go to it will depend on who will take me in train me etc. so thats where probably where my rp would start somewhere around there

Catherine Romanov


I am pretty new as well!

I would recommend that you find a picture of someone/something that you think fits in mind of what your character looks like, and after that, create the character's profile/bio int he character creation section, then we can go from there! :)
No matter which alignment you decide to go with, whether it be dark or light (or even neutral), or even good or evil (and again neutral), there will be someone there to help you and your character grow and expand in both skills and knowledge. If you wish to be a Sith, you simply need to request a Sith master and one will be there for you, or a Jedi if you wish to be such. We also have neutral force groups, such as the Order of the Grey, which will likely be a bit trickier if only because the force is a very polarizing thing. If you wish to see an example of a role-playing thread to get the general idea of how it usually goes on this board, here's a thread I am currently involved in that you can feel free to read. Usually a writer writes a character (with a submitted bio sheet, as I mentioned in my first post) in one of the three point of views (first, second or third: I, You, or He/She/[Insert name here]) in any form of tense (usually past tense, though some people use present, and fewer still there are those who write out how they plan to act, future tense, but that is generally harder to write without seeming like either a God-modder or Meta-gamer). Whatever the objective of the character usually depends on the thread, or the whim of the writer writing the character, so you don't really need to make every thread about being a Sith, Jedi, Bounty Hunter, etc. I've done plenty of threads where I'm simply enjoying myself at a cantina or strolling through a terminal. The only thing you cannot do is crossover different franchises with Star Wars stuff without using the Fanon/Non-Canon tag.

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