Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Help getting out there.

Yeri Rose


Sorry i know a lot there are a lot of these kinds of requests on here! But i thought there would be no harm in asking.

I am not new to roleplay or this site. However this is my first time making a more combat orientated character so i am a bit lost on where to start.
I was wondering if there are any merc groups around who could take on a rookie or anyone who could offer me some roleplay to help get this character going. I am quite happy with this character so i would really like to develop her.

I appreciate any advice or offers!

Thanks :)
Paladin Consortium is a relatively new PMC corporation. You become a member, and you will get assigned jobs. the leader [member="Janus"] will choose which jobs you go on based on qualifications and skills, or if a member cannot participate on a job and he is looking for a replacement.
[member="Talia Rennan"]


As [member="Jan Valdum"] so graciously mentioned, the Paladin Consortium is a Private Military Contractor that hires our mercenaries, bodyguards, armored escorts, etc. to clients that need them. We hook you up with the equipment, the job, and the money for doing the job. We can help you get to where you want with your character plot wise if you want as well :)

Yeri Rose

[member="Jan Valdum"] [member="Janus"]

Thank you for the offer! this is exactly what i have been looking for :)
I feel like your faction is the right path for me to follow just now!
Is it okay for me to join your faction? I would be most grateful :)

Yeri Rose

[member="Casandrae Vau"]

Considering that i am all for Widowmaker x Tracy that might be risky <_<

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