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Help on Making Armour



I've been wanting to use the technical side of the Factory a little bit more, particularly creating an armour for my character. I am not looking to create something extreme or grandiose, just something that would protect my character.

So... since it's something I have never done, I've come to ask for some help. I have nearly no idea of how armours work here besides the fact that they protect characters. What kind of material should I use (not gonna use restricted ones, but I would like it to be kind of lightweight, yet relatively durable), what features should it have, etc.?

Sorry for such dumb questions, but I have literally never created or even used armour on a RP site before, not even talking about the SW genre. :p
If you want lightweight and durable use leather instead of metal!

I honestly prefer simple armors to overly complex ones. This is one of the metal ones i made for Soliael;

There's really nothing super special or great about it, it's just there for protection with no extra bells or whistles. Then I also made this one for Kiran;

Which has a few more features but is still relatively simple in function!

Just remember that Factory Judges are there to help you, so you can PM them and ask for direction or do your best then work with them on editing to make your submission better!
[member="Lilin Imperieuse"]
Do you want skin-tight outfits like what I (Lily, although I guess I do too) wear? Or are you looking more towards metal/hard plastic armors?

I suggest glistaweb for clothing, as long as you aren't averse to wearing a living creature for clothing. (Perks of Yuuzhan Vong biotech.)


[member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Nickolas Imura"]

Thank you for your help! :)

[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"], I think a skin-tight armour would be more suited for what Lilin does. I am assuming these are better for agility at battle or am I completely wrong? :p Glistaweb could be a interesting, but unfortunately Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology is what Lilin tries to fight against.
Lilin Imperieuse said:
Glistaweb could be a interesting, but unfortunately Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology is what Lilin tries to fight against.
Then an Armorweave is for you. *kind of like modern day Kevlar armor, only thinner, and not quite so heavy*

As well, you could use Spacer leather, which is just leather that is thicker and protect well over what normal leathers can do. Something else that might work, is to use robes, or a light battle armor so you can get good protection, and still have alot of movement.
As far as blasters go, glistaweb is the highest tier-clothing-like stuff you'll find that is light like regular clothing and fits comfortably.

It also reflects blaster bolts.

Anywho, if not that, then I suggest more expensive things. Like Shell Spider Silk, or Kashyyk Tree worm silk. The latter of which will probably help a lot with blunt trauma. Of course I'd suggest alchemy and stuff, but you're clearly against that so you've crossed two options off your list :|


Hmm, alright, I may not be so much against glistaweb anymore. Mainly because I found this little picture of an armour I could use (let's pretend stomach and chest will also be covered up). Would that make any sense as a glistaweb amour?
Lilin Imperieuse said:
Hmm, alright, I may not be so much against glistaweb anymore. Mainly because I found this little picture of an armour I could use (let's pretend stomach and chest will also be covered up). Would that make any sense as a glistaweb amour?
Sure, at least the fabric part of it would. You could tack on other materials, too, like maybe pieces of the shell of a greater calama for the part that looks more durable.


Hmm, yeah, I could dig it. But I do have a few more questions.

1. The materials pointed out so far are not restricted, but would it still be recommended to have a dev thread for these?
2. What quality would you suppose the armor will be if I were to use glistaweb and greater calama shell pieces?

[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

EDIT: Huh, you seem to be trying to make me a Sith with all these Yuuzhan Vong and Sith-y things. XD
Lilin Imperieuse said:
Hmm, yeah, I could dig it. But I do have a few more questions.

1. The materials pointed out so far are not restricted, but would it still be recommended to have a dev thread for these?
2. What quality would you suppose the armor will be if I were to use glistaweb and greater calama shell pieces?

[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

EDIT: Huh, you seem to be trying to make me a Sith with all these Yuuzhan Vong and Sith-y things. XD
Maybe for the calama shell, but not for the glistaweb.

Also, I just go where the clothes take me.
Id say a good 7-8ish on blaster resistance and a solid 3-4 for physical durability.


[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

Ah, thank you so much for the help! I may come back to you when I've made my first draft of the submission to ensure I won't be posting something completely dumb in the Factory. :p
Grace Darkson said:
You could get the same effect from Armorweave and some light plating
Glistaweb is far superior, in terms of blaster protection, than armorweave. I mean sure, you might last maybe ten seconds more when placed in a specific scenario regarding special cases, but in most instances your armor is either going to defend you from a blaster or a lightsaber, unless you're a soldier looking to wear heavy armor into the field of battle to sustain physical blows from slugthrowers.

That being said, you would not be able to replicate the reflecting behavior of glistaweb with armorweave, at least not the vanilla sort.

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