Gyeongbok Historical Center (New Sejong),1300 Local Time
The fledgling colony was still mostly an icy waste, but every month, new pockets of civilization formed as new biomes were erected. At the current rate of terraforming, the entire planet would be habitable by the 870s. By now New Sejong was already a glittering metropolis, the jewel of the whole project.
The heavy lifting had been done, getting the first steps of colonization out of the way. Now Sadie could relax a bit and focus on the little things.
The Historical Center was the young councilor's pet project, creating a marvelous display representing millennia of Seoulian history. However, there were a few important pieces missing from the collection, and she wouldn't be satisfied until she had them.
A call had been put out over the holonet for experienced investigators familiar with the world of art and history, and the seedy underlying black market behind it. She wasn't expecting much success in this realm - it was a big galaxy, after all - but she wanted at least to try and find someone to succeed where she had failed.