Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The largest city of Csillia, Csalapar, the centerpiece of the Chiss Ascendancy, was where the headquarters Csillian Laboratories was based. It's CEO, Sila Blaire, started the company with the vision of a reborn Ascendancy after the decimation laid unto the Chiss by the Gulag Plague.

Sila took this day to meet with possible beneficiaries and employees. She had much time on her hands these days. She did a few jobs from time to time involving the company, but it wasn't anything of great importance hence her large amount of free time.

She awaited in a cantina in Csalapar for the few she planned on meeting today. She was wearing a rather decent black suit, the one she told those whom she was meeting she would be wearing so it would be easy for them to find her. She was sipping on a cup of Jeru tea while reading news on the holonet.

[member="Enigma"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Ice"]
When Cryax Bane landed on Csilla, he felt a heady mix of emotions. On the one hand, here he was on the home planet of his ancestors, and it was thrilling to be among people so much like him. On the other hand, he felt so different from all of them. Like an imposter. Having grown up in the Outer Rim, he was keenly aware of how little he actually knew of his people and their secretive culture. He anxiously fingered the business card in the pocket of his black trenchcoat. The card was imprinted with the words "Csillian Laboratories" and he was headed to a cantina to meet with one of their employees about a freelance opportunity. He was slightly nervous about the encounter. Were they expecting him to use his traditional name? Or to be speaking Cheunh? He sure hoped not.

Brushing his hair back with his hands, he stepped into the Cantina in Csalapar. He knew he was meeting a suit from the company so he scanned the room looking for a corporate type and did a double take when he saw the striking Chiss drinking tea. That must be her. He just had no idea she'd be so pretty. Shake it off man you're here for a job, Cryax told himself.

Suddenly he realized he was staring like a creeper, and thus averted his eyes. He had to fight his nervousness to initiate the conversation and told himself to just do it. It was just like ripping off a bacta patch. He stepped towards the raven-haired Chiss and ventured a question.

"Csillian Laboratories, right?"

[member="Sila Blaire"]
Ice had received an invitation for talks at working on joint projects with a certain company on Csilla. At first, he was simply going to discard the invitation out of hand as the planet was is Sith controlled space. But then, he decided to give it a second look. "Csillian Laboratories, eh? Hmm, ok, let's see what potential you have." Ice when on to do a mountain of research. The cause? Everything the company seemed interested in researching, where items that he too had an interest in.

He also knew though, how secretive the Chiss people were. If STI was goping to pull off any sort of business partnership, it would require every trick in the book. He wasn't going to try and be deceitful. But there were a few things he had to protect and get assurances on, if this idea was going to work. Walking over to a mirror, he also realized his present form would probably pose an issue with the notoriously xenophobic race. To make negotiations go a bit smoother, he changed form into that of a fellow Chiss.


"Well that should help keep things from getting awkward." Ice then went and did extensive research on the race itself, to help him get into the mindset of a Chiss. Ironically enough, much of their own views on life and how to handle situations reflected his personality anyway. So he doubted he'd had to much of a hard time working with that. So the time passed, until it was the day to meet.

Fortunately, Ice had always worked hard to make sure no images of him were ever spread around. It was a good way to ensure his true identity was never found out. Stepping off his ship, he made his way to the bar mentioned on the invitation.

Walking in to the establishment, he cast a glance around to find his contact. He tilted his head slightly as he caught sight of the beauty that was wearing the mentioned outfit. He went to smile, but checked the action, remembering that Chiss generally held back from to many outward signs of emotion. His eyes then shifted toward the person next to her. The sight of the man, did bring on the slightest of frowns. Ice hated not being the first to arrive. Still, sometimes it couldn't be helped.

Walking up to the two, he gave them both a small but respectful bow. "Please, excuse my interruption. But you wouldn't by any chance be Miss Blaire of Csillian Labratories, would you?" His tone was calm, and his stance, that of a confident person. As he finished, he held out his hand to shake. After she shook his hand, he'd offer it to the unknown man as well, as a courtesy.

[member="Sila Blaire"]
[member="Sila Blaire"]

Cryax watched the other male Chiss stride smoothly into the Cantina and make introductions. So, his instincts were right, this was his contact at Csillian Labs. He reluctantly shook hands with the stranger, immediately envious not only of the other's charisma, but also his poker face. Ugh, he felt immediately inferior. No matter. Who needed charm when you had the ability to get on the HoloNet and go anywhere, to access the deepest, darkest places and perhaps exploit your findings or sell them to the highest bidder.? He was determined to get this gig. Hopefully the other man wasn't going to be too much competition.

After shaking the man's hand, he nervously looked down at his feet and hoped he wasn't wearing his emotions on his sleeve. It was going to be difficult around such a beauty. Women tended to turn his knees to jelly.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Of the three who had come here, there was one of which had paler skin, green eyes, and a less stoic demeanor. Not to mention that she was a woman, much like [member="Sila Blaire"] herself. That person in question was a former Sith Lord, a brilliant businesswoman, and someone who greatly desired to make allies with said Chiss. That woman was Circe Savan.

She arrived in the Cantina wearing pale-blue business attire, similar to the coloration of the Csillan ice itself. Looking around, she noticed Sila herself, and, waiting until [member="Ice"] had finished completing his introduction, she then stepped forward with a smile. "So you're the Chiss business circles across the galaxy have been talking about... Circe Savan, a pleasure to meet you."

[member="Cryax Bane"]

Cryax blinked twice when he saw the woman approach, the neon Cantina lights bouncing off the surface of his luminescent red eyes. The amount of female beauty in close proximity was staggering. He smiled at the human (or near-human) and nodded deferentially. Circe, at least that was the name she gave, was obviously someone of importance somewhere. The least he could do was make a good impression.

He gave a little bow for good measure and then looked nervously around, wondering if he was perhaps laying it on too thick.
Ice's eyes move from one person to the next. He was intrigued to see how quickly the group was growing. It was not what he expected. Generally these meetings were more one on one, considering possible topics and projects. He would just have to be extra careful with what he mentioned.

Ice wanted to smirk at the male chiss who appeared to be swooning over the ladies. He wasn't going to lie. They were both beautiful. But then, woman of power tended to be so.

Ice turned the newcomer and gave a small but respectful bow, before turning back toward Sila. He hoped they could get right to business.

[member="Sila Blaire"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
Sila took another smooth sip of her sweet Jeru tea. "Sit, please." She said to them coldly, not even bothering to make eye contact. She closed her laptop and interlocked her fingers, waiting for them to sit. Her scarlet eyes scanned the three before her red painted lips parted to speak.

"Pleasure meeting all of you. I am Sila Blaire, indeed. CEO of Csillian Labs." She sat back into the cushion of the booth and puckered her lips slightly. "So, dazzle me. Why should I show you the time of day by doing business with you. You first, Mr..." She looked down to her tablet containing their names. "Mr. Bane?" She asked, unsure of who was who.

[member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Ice"]
From her icy demeanor Cryax deduced that he had about two minutes to give the nerve-wrackingly gorgeous Chiss the hard sell. He knew he shouldn’t mention some of the more criminal activities he had been involved in such as taking down small government Holosites and draining the accounts of restraining bolt manufacturers. But those attacks could never be traced to him, could they? Had his data scrubbing been sufficient enough? Gah, no time to worry about it now. He cleared his throat, stepped forward and tried not to look like a Griff in the headlights.

“Hello, um, Ms. Blaire. So, here’s the deal. All of the biggest corporations in the galaxy don’t hide their data well at all. Zaltin Corporation or what’s left of it, Corellian Engineering, Loronar, you name it. I’ve been behind the firewalls of more companies I can name. For a talented slicer...” he looked down at his feet, not accustomed to bragging. “ myself. It’s incredibly easy to get in, get out, cover tracks and steal all your data in one fell swoop. Word on the sector is that you’re looking for good computer security and what better way to foil slicers than to hire one who knows all the tricks of the trade?”

Cryax gave Ms. Blaire a huge un-Chisslike smile, hoping it didn’t look like a grimace. He wrang his hands together nervously, anxious to hear that he didn’t completely blow his chances.

[member="Sila Blaire"] [member="Ice"] [member="Enigma"]
Ice raised an eyebrow at the young hopeful's attempt to apparently get in on this womans staff as security. He made a mental note to himself to finish transferring what was left on his company still on the planet to his research vessels so he could finalize cutting hardlines into his business. In this way he hoped to foil even the likes of supposedly qualified slicers that stand next to him now. After all, with no hardlines into the facilities, and all communication handled on an system not connected with anything but the secretaries, the only other way this young buck would be able to steal his files would be to fly on Ice's ships and physically take them. "Good luck with that." He thought calmly to himself.

His thoughts then drifted back to his host. "Dazzle her? Was she really thinking they were here to beg for her help?" Last he had checked, this was a fairly new company looking for help to get their projects off the ground. Not the other way around. Granted, his company was new as well. The difference here, lay in the fact that he was the Shadow Hand in his faction. He, thanks to the generosity of the Emperor, had been granted government funds to expedite his companies advance. And he had taken advantage of every credit, quickly developing numerous items along the same lines as this woman.

Still he appreciated her straight to business attitude. A little bit of a cold fish for his taste, but then, he was called Ice for a reason as well. So really, he had no room to comment. Patiently he waited for his turn to speak.

[member="Sila Blaire"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
"Timid.." the Chiss sighed. She shook her head slowly as she scribbled some words on her pad. "You don't seem quite confident in your words." She sat herself up and looked Cryax dead in his red eyes with her own. "You have no reason to be nervous, Forlac'rya'xitodo." she reassured him. A smile eased it's way onto her face. "Your skills would be most beneficial to the company. I will strongly consider it."

Sila wrote a few more notes down then turned her eyes to [member="Enigma"]. "What is it you're bringing to the table, Miss..Cinthra is it?" She looked down at her tablet then back to her, smiling warmly.

[member="Ice"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Enigma"]
[member="Sila Blaire"] [member="Ice"] [member="Enigma"]

Cryax gulped. He had not heard his traditional name spoken since he was a child. How did Ms. Blaire even have access to it? This icy vixen was good. He reminded himself to later slice into the official Bakura census to see if there was some of his private information lingering around out there. Still he felt he had made a decent impression. He was a bit disappointed that his nervousness leaked through, but it sounded like he didn't completely bungle his interview.

He politely waited for the next candidate to take her turn. Especially since he was not one to interrupt a lady.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Sila Blaire"]

"Yes..." She paused, choosing to let the emphasis build up for a moment.

"The Chiss military machine has, over the past centuries, degraded. At one point, your people had what were quite possibly the most technologically advanced starships and starfighters in the galaxy. But with the influence of the Republic, and now the One Sith, what once made Chiss technology exotic and grandiose against enemy vessels has fallen by the wayside." Taking out a small palm-sized holoprojector, she produced the three-dimensional image of the Pluton-class Battleship, a warship that, while designed for the ASA, had yet to begin seeing active service with them.

"This is the Pluton-class Battleship. One of the most advanced capital warships in the galaxy. Five hypervelocity guns of immense range and caliber are able to devastate enemy ships from long range, in concert with long-range mass driver batteries, heavy energy torpedo launchers, and other weapons designed to ensure this ship can get in the first strike and eliminate an enemy vessel as a threat well before it gets in range. Our initial customer's enthusiasm for the design has waned, and I would be willing to offer a design based on such technology to you, for the Chiss. Whether you would like to be an intermediary, selling completed ships made by Subach, or would like for your manufacturing assets to perform licensed production of a design made by Subach, I would be eager to do such with you. If you have any other business ideas, I would be more than willing to talk with you about such."

With that, she smiled, returning to her seat.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Sila Blaire"] [member="Ice"]
Sila listened to the woman's presentation earnestly. She would nod frequently to show that she was listening. Ms Cinthra was right. The Chiss have less of a presence in the galaxy than ever before. The golden years were long gone. That much was for sure. But, they would be returning.

Sila perked an eyebrow at the hologram of the battleship. She has seen the ship once or twice before this meeting, knowing nothing of it's schematics, however. She was intrigued by the details of the vessel. It's arsenal was quite impressive.

"It is impressive, but if such a ship were to be constructed by Csillian Labs, it would need to use maser technology somewhere in the design. Am I safe in assuming it's close-range abilities are severely limited, no?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Sila Blaire"]

"The design itself has ample close-range weaponry - flak guns for anti-fighter use, along with mass drivers and energy torpedoes for use against smaller ships. The ship fits two antimatter reactors to power the main guns, but if need be, a Chiss variant could install a third one, or use an entirely different power source altogether. I have some ideas for new power sources if you desire it, or perhaps new main guns should you find the hypervelocity guns not to your liking." She smiled, deactivating the holographic imagery. "We have other designs as well, should you be interested. Subach produces a bomber capable of unloading sixteen proton bombs on a target in four seconds."
"Very interesting, Miss Cinthra. I can tell we're going to be excellent business partners." Sila smiled at her and gave a friendly nod. Finally, she eyed the other Chiss. "Last but not least. I can't say I've an appointment with you. So your case had better be impressive. Your name is?" She asked [member="Ice"]

Ice narrowed his eyes slightly for the briefest of moments. Had this woman's secretary messed something up? Of course he had an appointment. He wouldn't be here otherwise. Shaking off the distraction, he answered. "The name is Ice. I represent Shadow Tech Industries. I apologize for the apparent mix up. Apparently, our appointment was left out by mistake. Anyway, I thank you for still allowing me the chance to show you what we can offer."

Ice handed a datapad over to Sila. When activated, it began to slowly move through STI's many projects. Many items featured armors and weapons, based on the amazing characteristics of rare animals, and the toxins derived from them as well. If STI's weaponized xenobiological research did impress her, he suspected his twist on more standard weapons would. Such as his particle beam rifle and pistol that shot invisible bolts. The only company in the galaxy to currently offer that as far as Ice new. He also added a few other specialty items that were equally rare, yet amazingly effective in the respective areas. If someone were looking closely, they would see that the items made were meant to be all part of one set of equipment. They could be purchased as stand alone pieces of course. But, the combinations of all items would practically make for a super soldier that almost couldn't be touched. Ice also threw in the medical droid they produced to emphasize a little more, their knowledge in biology. The list presented to Sila was as follows:

"Mirage" armor
"Firewalker" armor (Mirage armor without the active camo feature)
"SS-7" rifle
Bumblebee Dart
"SS-M" pistol
Sheer Silence
Hssiss Poison
Terentatek Poison
Dart Flower Poison

"In there Miss Blaire, you will see that my companies research and goals are nearly identical to yours. We both seek to create weapons, armor, and tech that are both unique, and highly effective. I believe, that if we combined both our companies expertise and resources, that we would be able to develop some very exciting new pieces which would only stand to benefit both our respective companies." Allowing a small smile to tug at the corners of his lips, he then paused to give her as much time as she wanted to look over the many interesting items. Ice was curious what she would think. He did feel his company was by far more aligned with Csillian Labs than what had been presented so far. But who knows. You never could tell sometimes. Moving his arms behind his back, he stood up straight and waited for any questions or comments.

[member="Sila Blaire"] | [member="Enigma"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
Sila's eyes darted down at the datapad and her eyebrow immediately perked at the inventory of this Shadow Tech Industries. She was previously informed that the owner of STI was a human by the name of Ice, so this meeting was awkward. She figured he was hiding everything but his name from her. Not a good first impression, but she considered his offer nonetheless.

As her eyes scanned the list on the datapad, one item attracted her interest more than the others.

"This 'Sheer Silence' device is very interesting, my friend. All of it is really. I look forward to combining our efforts in the future." She nodded to him and gave a soft smile. She slid his datapad back to him before doing anything else.

"All of you will be contacted in the future regarding the results of this meeting. I can't say for now what they will be, but what I can say is that they will be positive."

Sila lifted her laptop and datapad before standing from the booth and nodding to the three and taking her leave.

[member="Cryax Bane"] @Enigma @Ice

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