Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hemlock Briar

[SIZE=18pt]Hemlock Briar[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Hemlock Briar

RANK: Apprentice[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]SPECIES:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Draethos
AGE: 200 Standard Years

GENDER: Male but doesn’t care for gender roles.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] 5’10”
WEIGHT: 150 lbs
[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]EYES:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Slate green[/SIZE]
HAIR:[SIZE=10pt] None[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]SKIN: Purple Hued


+ [SIZE=10pt]Racial Traits: All Draethos mature by 18 but can live to be 800, Hemlock is quite young for his species, still with much to learn. They also all have lowlight vision due to evolving from cave dwellers. All Draethos have natural Telepathy up to 500 meters. [/SIZE]

+ [SIZE=10pt]Force Healing: Over his many travels, Hemlock has picked up minor Force Healing abilities and wishes to expand them further with training.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]+ Empathy: Hemlock over the last 200 years has learned how to judge emotion and feel them through the Force, his natural caring personality makes him a very powerful empath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]+ Botany: Hemlock is a whiz with plants, stemming from his time learning under an elderly Force Using hermit who had a love for Nova Lillies.[/SIZE]


- [SIZE=10pt]Frail: Briar is very frail due to not much physical battling in his time. He’s toned for his size but most of those are natural predatory muscles.[/SIZE]

- [SIZE=10pt]Exiled: Like most Draethos met in the galaxy, Hemlock had been exiled for going against his warrior roots and instead choosing a life of nonviolence and study. He is seen as weak among his people and if encountered by a warrior minded Draethos would be treated with the same lack of respect given to other offworlders. [/SIZE]

- [SIZE=10pt]Non Offensive Force Powers: Due to his peace loving ways, Hemlock has vowed to never learn a power to bring harm to another. He has learned Force Push and Pull but would never use it in a lethal way.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]- [/SIZE]Genuine Kindness/Compassion: Hemlock will put the needs of the few and the many above the needs of himself. He has donated most if not all of his assets to charity, keeping only the knowledge and lore learned over the years. This leads him to help all kinds of people, anyone who genuinely needs help.

[SIZE=10pt]LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, Draethos, Jawa Trade Language, High Basic, Coruscanti, -some- Mandalorian, Huttese, (understands) Rodese, (understands) Shyriiwook.[/SIZE]

Doesn’t even know how to fly a ship.

Exiled soon after he turned twenty-five, Hemlock was destined to live a life amongst the stars, he was stripped of his ability to have a home or a family, and by Draethos law that was something he had to follow or else he would be punished after he died 1000 times harder. His only crime was refusing to take up arms against fellow Draethos over land. He couldn’t stay anywhere for more than a few years at a time. He was destined to watch the galaxy live and die while he couldn’t even live.

[SIZE=10pt]After many years of traveling, Hemlock came across an old Jedi Master who saw potential inside the young Draethos. He was many years older than his own Jedi Master but still the Draethos took in his lessons. He learned the basics of the Force and how to apply to them to everyday life. His teacher never taught him combat or how to properly defend himself so he had to rely on instincts and his natural predator reflexes when it came to life and death.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]After the death of his teacher, Hemlock mourned by traveling the galaxy and tending to and planting Nova Lillies all across the galaxy, his master’s favorite flowers. He later found himself hired out as a nurse and botanist for a small farming community on Dantooine. He tended to their sick and took care of their crops. Under his lead the small town had enough credits from their harvest to fully automate their crops come next season, programmed to follow the strict guidelines Hemlock applied to the cash crops.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]With his services no longer required on Dantooine and enough credits to float around the galaxy for a while, but he felt a calling, an echo deep within his spine, telling him to venture out. [/SIZE]

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


As Fate Would Have It- Training in Force Healing with Feena Mason.[/SIZE]
Valen Event Thread-WIP
[SIZE=10pt]Healing the Galaxy: Ansion- First part of the Healing the galaxy series, Hemlock follows the Force to Ansion and meets up with Selena Halcyon to cure the Dark Side.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Healing the Galaxy: Cerea- Hemlock travels to Cerea to stop a spilled cargo ship of bred Akk Dogs from running wild among the plains of Cerea. He meets Vulpesen and learns the very basics of Animal Familiarity. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Healing the Galaxy: Saleucami- The Botanist travels to the planet Salecami to help install an irrigation system when a group of Thaelo beasts attacks. He and a few other people have to figure out a peaceful solution to the problem. [/SIZE]

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