Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tathra Khaeus said:
[member="Xanthum the Mighty"]

What's your idea?
My whole idea is. Around 3,956 BBY, I.E the Darth Revan days. A splinter faction of Sith and Republic Deserters alongside a famous Republic Admiral at the time made contact with a recently settled colony in the Unknown Regions on the world of Cathay. These splinter groups brought with them military equipment and ships stolen from both the Republic and Sith. This world itself was supposed to be where Cathar refugees fleeing the destruction of their home-world settled down and resumed their lives. The leader of said settlement, a little known Powerful Darksider by the name of Xzaien allowed this splinter faction to integrate into Cathay's fledgling society. There was one hitch however. Cathay five-hundred thousand years before it was settled went by a forgotten name, and was home to a highly advanced space faring Precursor Republic which spread across three star systems in the unknown regions. But somehow, a cataclysmic event of epic proportions occurred to this ancient republic which saw their Capitol World destroyed and rendered almost ecologically deceased but with a small smattering of survivors entombed inside of hibernation pods located under its cities which quickly broke down and rendered the precursors extinct.

Over the next five-hundred-thousand years the planet itself slowly regained its ecology and by the time it was re-discovered 40% of the planet had mostly recovered with the other half, nicknamed the "Dead Zone" remained highly radioactive and uninhabitable. But as the splinter group pledged allegiance toward the Autocratic Ruler of Cathay, a restoration project similar to Telos IV's was initiated and after a few years the other half of the planet was completely restored into a lush temperate world. After all was said and done, the many billions displaced by the warring Sith and Republic's wars eventually found their way onto Cathay and soon the population of it ballooned to over three billion with Cathay forming its own military and defense forces and its own melting pot of both human and Cathar cultures from all walks of life. Be it Mandalorian Mercenaries, Soldiers from the Republic or Sith, and even Sith and Jedi turned rogue.

Unfortunately, at the behest of their Autocratic Leader the Hyper-lane Generator leading to Cathay and her small colonies were disabled, and all inhabitants living on world ordered to enter the repaired and enhanced ancient hibernation pods underneath Cathay's Cities. There soon, Cathay was forgotten and its peoples lost to time. Soon, nearly five thousand years passed. Then, the people entombed inside of the pods re-awoke retaking their world and reactivating its ground Armies and mothballed Naval Ships enhanced with Ancient Technology and took to the stars once again to re-establish Cathay and her colonies as a mark on the map and a small but formidable power enhanced by ancient technology and cloning devices.

In short, its a combination of a Autocratic Empire enhanced with advanced Technology, and a minor Galactic Power taking recruits from all walks of life. Be it a establishment of a One Force Order and a advanced Army and Navy to expand Cathay's Demesne in the form of the Catharian Hegemony.

Hope thats enough detail for ya :]

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