Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Henry Chinko


NAME: Henry Miriam Chinko
FACTION: No definite loyalties.
RANK: Semi-famous Author
SPECIES: Very-near-human (His great-grandmother was Zeltron, some say)
AGE: 41
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0" (roughly 184cm)
WEIGHT: 170 lbs (77kg)
EYES: Gray-Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Silver Tongue: Henry is a fast-talker with a penchant for rhetoric.
Cool Head: Henry is adept at maintaining his composure in the face of stress. His calm demeanor is infectious, making him an excellent negotiator.
Casanova: Henry is a natural-born charmer.
Observant: Being a writer, Henry always has his eye on everything and everyone, capturing details and making assumptions.

Almost Famous: Henry is sometimes recognized for the works he has authored. This is becoming increasingly rare, because his last successful publication was five years ago, and it's been more than ten since his last hit was penned (whether this is good or bad often depends on who is doing the recognizing).
Big Mouth: Henry often fails to keep his thoughts to himself.

Lover, Not a Fighter: While Henry has seen his fair share of bar fights, and he is capable of at least firing a blaster, he isn't a warrior by any means.
Self-Destruct Imminent: Henry does not take good care of himself. He's haunted by a deeply internalized self-loathing.
Hi, I'm Hank, and...: Henry is woefully addicted to alcohol and cigarettes.
Henry is tall, and in decent shape for a man of his age. Most would describe him as attractive for an older man, although he is clearly marked with signs of age and hard life. Henry is often in a state of disarray, his hair uncut and askew, or his clothes a little disheveled. Henry is often unshaven, although he very rarely has a full beard; he somehow manages to live in a perpetual state of stubble.

As far as clothing goes, Henry tends to wear simple things. He's a fan of jeans, untucked shirts and leather jackets.

They told me to write down everything there was to know about me. The irony of it all is that, the longer you live, the less there is to tell--

Born on Coruscant so long ago it was hardly the same planet. Parents were gone before childhood was. I've been old for almost thirty years. Got by jumping from place to place, doing whatever work came to me.
Noticed I was fascinated by people, so I started writing. I had no money, so there wasn't anything to lose in it. Started drinking; never stopped.
Moved to Nar Shaddaa; more interesting people. Got married. Got published. Got money. Got divorced.
Started wandering because I could. Sometimes wrote, sometimes couldn't. I go where I feel like going, and do what I feel like doing.

--That's about all there is to say of significance. As you get older, you don't understand more, you just stop asking about so much. I haven't written a thing worth a kark in five years, but I have enough credits to keep my stomach full and my whistle wet; I have enough sense to keep my eyes open and my pencil sharp. That's enough.

There seems to be a lot of good and evil in the galaxy nowadays.

Kind of makes me wonder where there's room for good old human.

Henry M. Chinko is author of such works
as Coruscant Underwater and Another
Curved Lightsaber. He lives alone on
Nar Shaddaa, where he continues to



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