Geneviève Lasedri
Fascists hate her!

Affiliation: The Republic; The Rebel Alliance
Manufacturer: ECHO Esprit Industries; Incom Corporation
Model: HEPF-1 Saint (High Energy Projectile Fighter)
Modularity: Ballistics/Projectile armaments may readily be switched.
Production: Minor
Material: Durraloy frame; Transparisteel canopy; Nutorium lining
Classification: Bomber
Length: 40m
Height: 9m - wings swept; 14m - wings extended
Width: 11m - wings swept; 21m - wings extended
2 linked blaster cannons
2 heavy laser cannons
14 kinetic bombardment rods OR 4 proton torpedoes and 6 seeker missiles
Squadron Count: 3
Special Features:
- Advanced shielding
- Heavy advanced stealth armor
- Adjustable wings
- Advanced predictive targeting system
- Thermal dissipators
- Ejector seat
- Auto-scuttle upon pilot ejection
Speed Rating: 3
Hyperdrive Class: N/A
- Massive payload
- Fast and agile
- Heavily armored and shielded
- Stealth
- Extremely accurate projectile targeting
- No hyperdrive
- Large profile
- Cannot operate kinetic launch targeting and shields simultaneously
Under duress from the Sith devastation machine, the Republic was on the decline as world after world fell, and Geneviève Lasedri (AKA Viola) hustled to prepare for a defense of her homeworld of Chandrila. The Republic needed to design a weapon that would be able to instantly destroy any significantly ridiculous massive ground targets, or it might not survive.
The HEPF-1 Saint was the proposed solution--a speedy and agile bomber craft that could unleash precise attacks against large targets and completely eliminate them. Though armaments are interchangeable, the HEPF-1 was designed especially for carrying Tungsten kinetic bombardment rods.
Because kinetic projectile drops are largely inaccurate, extra design and technological measures were taken to drastically increase hit probability.
The dual-hexagonal launcher array was created to increase area of effect and practically ensure one direct hit on the target. Six rods are armed in hexagonal array, and one more is positioned in the center. (There are two of these hexagons, allowing for a maximum payload of 14 projectiles total.) Each kinetic projectile may be launched individually, but the dual-hexagonal array is intended to allow a full simultaneous discharge of all weapons that covers all likely paths of a moving target.
Because it is difficult for a pilot to judge when to fire, a highly advanced computer was developed to guide the pilot by predictive targeting.
Armor and deflector shields are extremely durable to make up for the aircraft’s large profile, enabling it to survive an ascent to the altitude needed to drop a gravity-aided weapon and utterly cleave its target.
Wings can be adjusted to swept retraction or horizontal extensions for varying speeds and efficient energy usage.
The Saint is shaped for stealth and is thinly lined in Nutorium to defeat sensors. It is undetectable to standard sensors from beyond roughly 200 meters. It also features thermal dissipators to prevent lock-ons by heat-seeking missiles.
Because the main purpose of the Saint was for kinetic projectile drops, its extra-orbital function was deemed to be less of a necessity, and it is thus limited to short-range flights as it features no hyperdrive systems.
Development Thread: Saving Pilot Ralter; That's Impossible, Even for a Computer
Who Can Use This: The Republic; The Rebel Alliance