Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Her



Biographical Information.

Homeworld: Kalist VI.
Born: Unknown.

Descriptive Information.

Species: Human.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5ft, 8in.
Mass: 80 kilograms in armour.
Hair colour: Blond, light, and dark.
Eye colour: Blue, later yellow
(dark side).
Skin colour: Light, later pale.

Chronological and Political Information.



"Through destruction I breed creation . . . the Rains shall come!"
-- Darth Mendacium to his Sith Apprentice.

Her was a Force-sensitive human female who was a Dark Lord of the Sith that followed the Rule of Two. As a strict adherer of the Banite system (also known as Chwayatyun in Sith) Her was trained in the ways of the Dark side of the Force by the mysterious late Dark Lord (colloquially known to some as Darth Mendacium) to destroy the Sith Order and Jedi Order. In 900 ABY Her orchestrated the creation of the Fifth Wing alongside her Sith Apprentice: Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . A paragon sect of disenfranchised Imperials who wish to see Sith hegemony returned to the Tion Cluster the Fifth Wing was a renegade clandestine organisation which infiltrated the Empire of the Lost and helped orchestrate the Siege of Tion which resulted in the Base Delta Zero of the planet Tion.

After Alicia Drey Alicia Drey betrayed Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr aboard the Mors Mon she was captured by Malum and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . Brought before the Corpse Emperor Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Drey was executed but not before Her master took another apprentice in the form of Darth Trigonus. With the death of her former apprentice Her seeks to continue the Grand Plan and reorganize the Sith paradigm into it's proper image.

Woven into the tapestry of Darth Bane Her follows in the seminal footsteps of the Sith'ari to destroy the Sith and Jedi.

Physical Information.

Her is 5ft, 8in tall. A striking human female of considerable beauty Her is of a slim, petite build. A physically unintimidating specimen to the eye Her always is seen in the dark garments associated with the Sith.

Personality and Beliefs.

"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody the power, the other to crave it."
-- Darth Bane.

Her is a devout believer in the Rule of Two: a philosophy invented by the legendary Sith'ari known as Darth Bane. The philosophy teaches that there should only be two Sith at one time, and that if there are more than the two then the power of the Dark side of the Force becomes diluted among the many therefore leading to it losing it's potency and becoming weak. Bane teaches that there should be a Sith Master: a Sith Lord brimming with the power of the dark side and a true manifestation of a being who adheres to the true tenants of the Sith Code.

Wise and cunning in the creation of such a philosophy Bane also taught that there should be a Sith Apprentice: another Sith Lord who serves the Master in a dichotomy where the latter serves the former in a relationship in which they are taught about not only the Rule of Two but also about the Dark side of the Force. In this way, should the Master be destroyed by their enemies, another is there to continue the Grand Plan to destroy the Jedi. Also, in the event that the Apprentice should surpass the Master in strength, and power, then they are encouraged to challenge their Master for their position.

In victory the Apprentice proves that the Master was no longer worthy of their position, or life, and in this way the position retains it's strength, power and potency. In failure the Apprentice proves that they were unworthy of the position, and their life, leading to such a dichotomy to be shared by a new pairing.

In a time in which the Galaxy is inhabited by many Jedi Her seeks the complete and utter destruction of the Jedi Order. Her believes that the destruction of the Jedi Order cannot be accomplished through military warfare, tactics and strategy. That an invasion of governments-- such as the Galactic Alliance-- will not lead to the Sith ruling the cosmos which, according to Her, can only be achieved through the destruction of the Jedi.

Therefore, following in the same footsteps of Darth Bane, Her seeks the destruction of the Sith Order first. Her believes that the modern day Sith are weak and are false imitations. Through the destruction of the modern day Sith Her believes that she can then reorganize the Sith Order into following the pathology of the Rule of Two. In this way the Sith can then accomplish their several millennia old desire to accomplish revenge against the Jedi and achieve supremacy not only over the entire Galaxy, but over the Force itself.

To that end Her's beliefs were further proven (at least to her) during the Siege of Tion: a battle that she orchestrated alongside a former Apprentice which led to the modern day Sith Order attacking the Tion system which ultimately destruction of the planet Tion. If the Sith were devout in the true tenants of the dark side then, according to Her's rationale, they would be focused on the destruction of the Jedi Order and not territorial disputes with another galactic superpower in the form of the Empire of the Lost.

Her believes that the potency of the dark side has been lost over several millennia since the days of Darth Bane. To that end Her engages in work that leads to damaging, and ultimately, the destruction of the Sith Order with the belief that as there becomes less Sith in the Galaxy the power of the Dark side of the Force becomes less diluted, and therefore more powerful in it's potency as a result.

As she pursues this work Her also seeks influence, power and esoteric knowledge about the Force in her bid to shape the Grand Plan: a plot first initiated by her late Master and now continued by her. Her also believes that through acquiring influence in superpowers such as the Empire of the Lost she can further facilitate and orchestrate events that will lead to the destruction of the Sith Order through her acquisitions. To that end Her continues to pursue this belief by garnering contacts, affiliations and associates in multiple organisations across the Galaxy.

During her apprenticeship under the mysterious guidance of Darth Mendacium Her was taught that a Sith Master never reveals him or herself. Therefore, after Mendacium was destroyed by Her, the knowledge of her Darth title, former identity and origins were subsequently lost and known only to her.

Her also believes in a prophecy that was imparted to her by her late Sith Master. It said that a day will come where it will rain on the planet Kalist VI. When this day comes it will mark a great period of change in the Galaxy. Her inferred that this change (with the guidance of Darth Mendacium) will mark the beginning of a new era in which the Rule of Two is, once again, the dominant philosophy practiced by the Sith Order after it has been reconstituted and reorganized by Her, or, by her Sith Apprentice.

This event is colloquially known to Her as: the Rains have come.

  • Force Persuasion: Her is extremely powerful in this particular Force Power. (link)
  • Force Barrier: Her is extremely powerful in conjuring this Force Power. (link)
  • Ataru: Her is extremely proficient with the Forth form in Lightsaber combat colloquially known to Jedi as Ataru (the Aggression Form), and as Fast Style to the Sith.
  • Can Still Learn New Abilities: Her, like any Force-sensitive, has the ability to learn new abilities.
  • Can Only Force Persuade & Barrier: Her is only great at two Force Power abilities. This is known as Force Persuasion, or Mind Trick, and the second is known as Force Barrier.
  • Minimal Force Power: Like other Force-sensitive beings Her retains the ability to pull or push inanimate objects; some minor telepathy, or Force-senses; and the capacity to perceive danger but at a minimal level in comparison to a trained Jedi Knight.

  • Whispers of the Dead - The late Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau, Alicia Drey Alicia Drey , has been killed. But not everything is what it seems to be. . .
  • The Priestesses' of Darth Ophidia - Her travels to the base of the Tsis'Raki: a band of priestesses who once served the Dark Lady of the Sith: Darth Ophidia.
  • Twisted Task - Continuing from 'Whispers of the Dead ' the Imperial Moff Maldor Mecetti traverses the far reaches of the Outer Rim Territories towards the expanse of the Deep Core in search of the planet Kalist 6 to find answers. . .

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