Ryiah Tenriem
Blood and Wine
The wind rushing through the trees, howling as it wove its invisible tough around and over rough bark with furious anger while gently caressing the delicate emerald leaves that hung from equally delicate branches, rustling wildly as the ground against the harsh texture of the very branches that kept them away from the unmerciful grasp of the wind. The snuffling of a large animal as it tread through the dense bush, fallen and dead twigs snapping loudly beneath it weight while the accompanying crack and rustling of the shrubbery that was in the process of being destroyed by the creature bulk joined the chorus. The twittering and whistling of some avian animals, small in stature, as the shouted across the expanse of nature that separated them, communicating in a language only they and their fellows could know. But above the background noises was the deafening in its purity, was the quiet peacefulness of nature. Oxymoronic in nature, the deafening silence roared loudly, overshadowing everything else.
The scant few leaves that lost their battle with the wind and flew directly at the figure that sat dead center of a clearing surrounded by high reaching trees, uncaring of the twigs that would surely be beneath her. The lone bird, covered by stark yellow feathers that shone on the veined sunlight that fought to seep through the gaps in the leaves as it began to breech the horizon to signal the start of a new day, that dove towards the head of the figure, only to fly pass the figure as they tilted their head to the left minutely, just enough for the bird to pass without any contact coming between the two living beings.
Everything and anything assaulted the senses of Ryiah Tenriem as she sat, cross-legged in the middle of the clearing, perceiving to the world around her through both her hearing and the echolocation granted by her tall standing Montrals - each one of the two equaling the size of her head, the world that she was currently deprived on seeing with her own eyes by the blindfold carefully wrapped around her head and four Lekku.
Clad only in her normal outfit of a single strip of cloth which served to covered her breasts while also being decorated with the teeth taken from the beasts that Ryiah had conquered in her hunts, a loin cloth and a belt formed entirely from beads of lapis lazu, painstakingly shaped, strung together with tags of bronzium hanging from each bead the majority of Ryiah's body was exposed to the warm air, in lines with her beliefs. Ryiah believed not in a single deity, or a pantheon of deities, she instead believed that each planet that supported flora and fauna, that supported nature, held within its core a singular and unique deity that governed life on the planet; Nature given intangible form. By exposing her skin to the world at large, Ryiah believed that she opened herself up more to those deities.
Shifting suddenly to her right, Ryiah's eyes snapped open, one a piercing blue the other a blood red iris set upon a black sclera that seemed to gleam with an inner darkness. Her lips curled back to reveal a row of pointed teeth that spoke of the lost history of being carnivorous predators that still remained encoded in the Togruta's genes. Her miss-matched eyes glared out at the trees in front of her even as they shifted from as a heavy presence of dread settled within Ryiah's mind. Her Silence had been broken and already she could feel the Demoness whispering without voice, taunting her ever patient and secure in success. And that fact, the destruction of her precious Silence where she could weep silently over her broken nature, where she could think for herself, ignited a roaring flame of anger within her breast.
"Show yourself." Her heavily accented voice snapped out into the silence, her inner rage seeping forwards so as to seemingly dripping from every syllable that fell from her lips.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
The scant few leaves that lost their battle with the wind and flew directly at the figure that sat dead center of a clearing surrounded by high reaching trees, uncaring of the twigs that would surely be beneath her. The lone bird, covered by stark yellow feathers that shone on the veined sunlight that fought to seep through the gaps in the leaves as it began to breech the horizon to signal the start of a new day, that dove towards the head of the figure, only to fly pass the figure as they tilted their head to the left minutely, just enough for the bird to pass without any contact coming between the two living beings.
Everything and anything assaulted the senses of Ryiah Tenriem as she sat, cross-legged in the middle of the clearing, perceiving to the world around her through both her hearing and the echolocation granted by her tall standing Montrals - each one of the two equaling the size of her head, the world that she was currently deprived on seeing with her own eyes by the blindfold carefully wrapped around her head and four Lekku.
Clad only in her normal outfit of a single strip of cloth which served to covered her breasts while also being decorated with the teeth taken from the beasts that Ryiah had conquered in her hunts, a loin cloth and a belt formed entirely from beads of lapis lazu, painstakingly shaped, strung together with tags of bronzium hanging from each bead the majority of Ryiah's body was exposed to the warm air, in lines with her beliefs. Ryiah believed not in a single deity, or a pantheon of deities, she instead believed that each planet that supported flora and fauna, that supported nature, held within its core a singular and unique deity that governed life on the planet; Nature given intangible form. By exposing her skin to the world at large, Ryiah believed that she opened herself up more to those deities.
Shifting suddenly to her right, Ryiah's eyes snapped open, one a piercing blue the other a blood red iris set upon a black sclera that seemed to gleam with an inner darkness. Her lips curled back to reveal a row of pointed teeth that spoke of the lost history of being carnivorous predators that still remained encoded in the Togruta's genes. Her miss-matched eyes glared out at the trees in front of her even as they shifted from as a heavy presence of dread settled within Ryiah's mind. Her Silence had been broken and already she could feel the Demoness whispering without voice, taunting her ever patient and secure in success. And that fact, the destruction of her precious Silence where she could weep silently over her broken nature, where she could think for herself, ignited a roaring flame of anger within her breast.
"Show yourself." Her heavily accented voice snapped out into the silence, her inner rage seeping forwards so as to seemingly dripping from every syllable that fell from her lips.
[member="Darth Ferus"]