Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here am I sitting in a Tin Can far above the World. [Ession Reformation]

Atlas Kane

Ession's Orbit
Construction Site of the Space Station orbiting Ession​

The endless and wonderful blackness of space in the front, side and back, nothing but endless silence was audible and only a single handle that was keeping him from drifting into the vast reaches of space. Corvus felt completely serene in this environment. He had no worries, no responsibilities, no memories, no thoughts, only the vast emptiness of space and its unending beauty. He could get used to this. It was the perfect environment for a troubled man such as him, here he could just let go and be completely free. He closed his eyes and let go of the handle momentarily. No feeling of worry came over him, his mind was empty. He felt nothing but the warmth of the sun, mostly absorbed by the environmental gear in his suit.

"Corvy! Are you crazy?!?" He heard someone call in his head. He quickly grabbed the handle again and opened his eyes. "I told you not to call me that."

"Don't change the subject, why'd you let go of the only thing keeping you from being thrown into the dark void of space, where you'll keep drifting and drifting until you run out of air and suffocate or get shredded by some space debris?" The voice replied.

"Stop worrying so much. I still have the safety harness connecting me to the station." Corvus replied. "Better safe than sorry." The other voice replied, paused for a second and then continued "And I'll call you whatever I want to, Corvy." It said with a chuckle immediately afterwards.

"Fine, just don't call me that in front of others." He replied.

"No promises." The other voice said with another chuckle. "But anyways, back to work, did you fix that crack in the hull yet?"

"Aye, Captain."

"Good, then come back in the ship, the help we were promised will arrive shortly, their shuttle is already on its way to the station." The voice instructed. "Alright, coming back in then." Corvus said, gripping the other handle above him and making his way further up.

After a couple minutes he finally reached a hatch, which opened as he approached it from underneath. He quickly climbed in and it closed behind him. After a couple seconds a quiet hissing sound started as air was being pumped into the room. Then artificial gravity started slowly kicking in, making him fall to the ground slowly with a silent thud and soon the room was finally filled up with air, which caused a second door opened. This door led him into a small room shaped like a hexagon where Corvus took off the helmet of his space suit, followed by the safety harness and then the suit, leaving him in a black suit similar to the ones divers would wear when swimming in extremely cold conditions. He then proceeded to change into his regular clothes, consisting of a slightly torn green-brown trench coat, a simple black shirt, a brown scarf and simple brown pants.

Shortly after changing, he made his way back to the location where the person behind the voice that had talked to him was. The way to the room was only a couple corridors away and Corvus was there in a minute or two. He walked up to the door, typed in a code into a small panel next to the door and the door opened with a silent hiss. He stepped through the door and was greeted by a young Togruta man who nodded in his direction while talking into a microphone attached to a headset he wore, then an older human man who also nodded in his direction while typing something on a keyboard and finally he got to a young woman with red hair. She was sitting in a chair which was a bit larger than her, focused intensely on a screen in front of her while typing rather quickly on a keyboard. She didn't notice Corvus approach, she was way too focused on her work, so Corvus put his arms on the back of the chair and rested his head on them, looking at what the woman in front of him was working on so intensely.

"Ession is spelled with two 's's, Del." He said, extending his arm to point at the holo-screen in front of them.

"Oh, thanks, Corvy." She answered, quickly correcting the mistake. "The shuttle just arrived, are you going to meet the new helpers in the hangar or should I tell them to come here?"

"I'll meet them in the hangar, which one are they in?"

"The small one two decks below ... uh ... I think it was called Sigma-4 or something."

"Alright, I'm on my way there then, tell them I'm gonna arrive soon." Corvus said as he turned around and started walking off into the direction of the hangar where the new he'd meet the new helpers.

"See you around, Corvy!" The woman said with a chuckle, turning around to watch Corvus leave. The name she called him made the two men in the room chuckle quietly and Corvus looked back at her with a look on his face that would kill, if it was possible to kill with stares alone.

[member="Kelios Shara-da"] [member="Devon Gramus"] [member="CC-308 Maverick"] @Anyone in the Ession Reformation who wants to help make a Space Station
The fleshling wanted to build things, how adorable! The Monitor had been left to doing little more than categorizing data since Ession was freed from the influence of its dictator, Jo-shal. While the death of the mad man was all fine and dandy, it left the Architects with little to do but fix things. The half-droids' goal of galactic peace was beginning to reach fruition, but they had never expected the beginning of it to be so...boring. Completely, and utterly, dull. When the Monitor had learned the Reformation was constructing a sort of space station over the planet--well, he just had to go!

The two meter tall proto-cyborg strolled off the shuttle with a gathering of workers. Most of which were outsourced labor, and seemed to be a little more than frightened by the appearance of a massive ancient spider droid. It was only the Monitor's chassis; it couldn't really be that frightening. The workers were just cowards, the Monitor decided.

The Architect leader strolled off the shuttle on four spider-like appendages. It lifted up high on its legs to stand almost three meters tall, and scanned the hanger. The hanger itself was, at the least, intact. Breathing an internal sigh of relief, for he lacked the lungs to actually sigh lately, the Monitor spun about to meet one of the men running the project.

"One of the Fleshlings defecated on the flight here. That should be cleaned."

[member="Corvus Caligo"]
Although ten thousand were born in the Dread Guard program, the seemingly identical clones were the definition of diverse. Each had their own personality, chose their own name, and ultimately became their own person. However, whilst suspended within the cloning tube, each clone received similar "wiring" that resulted in a variety of skills. For CC-308 Maverick, these skills primarily revolved around shooting things; especially Force-wielding things. Prior to the fall of the Confederacy, this was essentially the whole of what the clone had to concern himself with.

However, when calamity struck, Maverick found himself in the need of diversification. Unlike some of his siblings, he had no desire to step into the mercenary trade...and he damn sure didn't feel like fighting against his own. So, when poodoo hit the fan, Maverick went on his own way. Honest labor was the name of the game, and the clone found engineering to be a worthwhile trade. While the time he spent floating from odd mechanical job to odd mechanical job was brief, the clone did pick up enough experience to be of some use.

And that experience he would gladly commit to the cause undertaken by his brothers.

To this end, once word reached his ears of the Reformation, Maverick dropped everything and made his way to Ession. His first order of business was assisting in liberating the world from the rule of a tyrant...and now he found himself headed into orbit. The Reformation desired to see a station installed over the newly-freed world, and as such Maverick decided to put his knowledge to work. He accompanied a shuttle from the surface up to the growing installation, ultimately being introduced to the smell of poodoo along the way, and eagerly disembarked upon arrival.

His strides were only a few paces behind those of the Monitor: a...cyborg...thing...that made a new Generation of Dread Guard. Maverick wasn't exactly present for the appearance of this enigmatic entity, but if his siblings trusted it, then so did he. Only a few seconds after being introduced to artificial gravity did Maverick deviate away from the Monitor, choosing instead to lead a handful of engineers down an adjacent cooridor. Currently, the general systems were running just fine, but the additions coming to the station called for an increase in power.

As such, Maverick was headed down to have a little chat with the generator. Hardware was going to be upgraded. Enough said.

@Whoever Wants to Assist.
Irys was reading CVs. It was...tedious. However she'd taken a month away from Abrion space to help get HKDs operations going in Ession space and one of the terms of their arrangements was to hire locally. Hiring a local workforce pumped money back into the local economy and upskilled the population. All good hooks to get the contracts you wanted. Didn't make the work any more interesting. There were civil engineers, software engineers, only a few already with the genuine skill sets they needed. Hoersch Kessel wasn't the household name it had once been.

She turned her attention to something much more interesting. Ession had an urgent requirement for help with their orbital station. Urgent meant profitable in Irys's book. So she was helping to design, test and build the propulsion system. Sounded rediculous, bit if you didn't carefully control your orbital changes and spin, you could get into all sorts of problems. And this was a big station. Her simulations were now being refined to balance repulsor and ion engine control for a range of scenarios they had to meet. Raising and lowering the orbital radius, changing angle, flipping the station and accelerating or holding geo-relative position to engage enemy forces. She was almost there and tomorrow she would present her results and start integrating their systems.

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