Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here We Go...

Although I'm a bit apprehensive of what might be written, I believe everyone is entitled to speak their mind - Freedom of speech and all that.

I want to know what people think. I understand polite and such but please let me know. It will only help me improve what I can improve or have been improving.

So as they say:


End Goal - Improvement and expansion of creativity with others and with myself. Eliminate the possibility of becoming museless as I am now.


Disney's Princess
Divine Potential. When you joined the boards I instantly knew from a single PM that you'd be a smash hit. I had no idea who you were or where you came from, but I knew. I just knew. This person has what it takes to do great things. Huge things. And I knew all that in less than a day.

However, like Hercules and Odysseus, your divine gifts for power and influencing the lives of others will also be your curse. Your potential for good balanced only by your potential for evil /drama /fashion-bloopers and /excess sensitivity. For with great power comes great responsibility. Let go of your feelings, you know what to be true. RP for the lulz. RP to help others. Do, or do not. There is no try.

Oh. And hope you're having fun too. Cheers! :D
Jay Scott Clark said:
Divine Potential. When you joined the boards I instantly knew from a single PM that you'd be a smash hit. I had no idea who you were or where you came from, but I knew. I just knew. This person has what it takes to do great things. Huge things. And I knew all that in less than a day.

However, like Hercules and Odysseus, your divine gifts for power and influencing the lives of others will also be your curse. Your potential for good balanced only by your potential for evil /drama /fashion-bloopers and /excess sensitivity. For with great power comes great responsibility. Let go of your feelings, you know what to be true. RP for the lulz. RP to help others. Do, or do not. There is no try.

Oh. And hope you're having fun too. Cheers! :D
Thank you for the feedback. It is very much welcomed and won't be ignored.

I promise.

I am taking each and whatever feedback received seriously and I'm actually glad this can be done out in the open.
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] We talk often and I know one thing is certain: You care quite a bit. However, I think you let things get to you a bit too much and it gets you down and you let that transpire into your writing.

Writing should be about victories and losses and their commingling and your character should lament and celebrate over that, but you, as a living person, shouldn't. These are just fake worlds and fake things with fake characters. And as much as they are part of us, they are not us. Basically, I agree with [member="Jay Scott Clark"].

Reverance said:
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] We talk often and I know one thing is certain: You care quite a bit. However, I think you let things get to you a bit too much and it gets you down and you let that transpire into your writing.

Writing should be about victories and losses and their commingling and your character should lament and celebrate over that, but you, as a living person, shouldn't. These are just fake worlds and fake things with fake characters. And as much as they are part of us, they are not us. Basically, I agree with [member="Jay Scott Clark"].

Become a flying lawnmower. Got it.

No, I'm kidding.

I understand - less to heart. I will again, annotate this feedback.

Whatever I receive over the next - whatever - will be read over.

Just kinda mix and see the common themes and other stuff that sticks out.


Disney's Princess
Aaralyn Rekali said:
I am taking each and whatever feedback received seriously and I'm actually glad this can be done out in the open.
TL;DR: Emotional investment is a good thing. Use it like fire. Write from the heart.

*wink* Hope you're having fun. Otherwise? What's the point. We'll all go play Call of Duty instead. :p
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

You're better at keeping your temper and your feelings in check than you were, but it's still something which happens. Now, I know there's good OOC reasons for it, but there's always room for improvement.
Be calm, control that furnace of a temper, and walk in the other person's shoes for a moment before you flambé them!
[member="Aaralyn Rekali"] your participation in the tournament I loved it. So very well written hit for hit.

We started out on the wrong foot and have gotten past which I was very happy about. You are cooperative and someone I try to bounce ideas off of. It's all good. :)

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