Ludolf Vaas
"Trust me"
[member="Aram Kalast"] [member="Natasi Fortan"]
[member="Everyone Else"]
I'm not going to lie. I joined this faction because I have become quite frankly disillusioned with most of the other major factions on this board. I see this faction as an opportunity to start fresh, and contribute to a new Imperial faction that doesn't succumb to the pitfalls of other major factions.
What I want to avoid, and I'm hoping you guys will agree, is the blatant handwaving I see going on elsewhere.
Want to be in charge of an entire planet in the Republic? Make a Senator and join up. It's that easy. No rank or roleplay justification needed. Want to govern a planet in the One Sith? Same deal. Literally anyone can join up and snatch a planet with nothing more than a mere handwave, the same thing goes with military positions and fleets. Want to command entire fleets at the Galactic Empire? Simply join up, declare yourself an Admiral, and demand a fleet.
I watch these factions closely, and observe how the hierarchy operates. To put it simply, there is none to speak of. The modus operandi seems to be handwave now, ask questions later, and in some cases it comes down to outright favoritism on the part of the faction admins.
What I would like to see at the First Order is high-ranking positions that are actually earned. Admirals and Generals should go to Elite characters. Only Elites can be planetary governors, and only Elites can be in charge of the Knights of Ren. I simply believe those positions ought to be earned after a few months of dedication to the faction and roleplay experience, slugging it out as a lower-ranked character. If you want to be a General, maybe your character should start out as a Stormtrooper first. If you aspire to be Grand Admiral, why not have your character start out as an Imperial pilot? Give yourself some place to go. Give your character room to develop. Those are my thoughts.
By the way I'm not accusing anyone here of doing such things. I'm simply saying that we have an opportunity, as a new faction, to do things right. What do you guys think?
[member="Everyone Else"]
I'm not going to lie. I joined this faction because I have become quite frankly disillusioned with most of the other major factions on this board. I see this faction as an opportunity to start fresh, and contribute to a new Imperial faction that doesn't succumb to the pitfalls of other major factions.
What I want to avoid, and I'm hoping you guys will agree, is the blatant handwaving I see going on elsewhere.
Want to be in charge of an entire planet in the Republic? Make a Senator and join up. It's that easy. No rank or roleplay justification needed. Want to govern a planet in the One Sith? Same deal. Literally anyone can join up and snatch a planet with nothing more than a mere handwave, the same thing goes with military positions and fleets. Want to command entire fleets at the Galactic Empire? Simply join up, declare yourself an Admiral, and demand a fleet.
I watch these factions closely, and observe how the hierarchy operates. To put it simply, there is none to speak of. The modus operandi seems to be handwave now, ask questions later, and in some cases it comes down to outright favoritism on the part of the faction admins.
What I would like to see at the First Order is high-ranking positions that are actually earned. Admirals and Generals should go to Elite characters. Only Elites can be planetary governors, and only Elites can be in charge of the Knights of Ren. I simply believe those positions ought to be earned after a few months of dedication to the faction and roleplay experience, slugging it out as a lower-ranked character. If you want to be a General, maybe your character should start out as a Stormtrooper first. If you aspire to be Grand Admiral, why not have your character start out as an Imperial pilot? Give yourself some place to go. Give your character room to develop. Those are my thoughts.
By the way I'm not accusing anyone here of doing such things. I'm simply saying that we have an opportunity, as a new faction, to do things right. What do you guys think?