Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here's where to put ideas etc.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Ideas, suggestions, plans, OOC questions. You name it, this is the place to air the thought and we can discuss it.

As a rule, anything goes, but it doesn't hurt to get a few different perspectives on something, so here is a safe place to share and receive feedback.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Well in general we are going to want some records and resources. places to document and keep track of what we have been doing. The temples and subs where it is needed, any equipment as well. We have some new pieces that can be carried on your belts to offer better ideas. Such as the portable tent I told you about that can protect and is the size of a tennis ball that you can carry. We have some exploration and simple vessels that reject darksiders as well.
Something I sent Matsu some time ago:

Mission System


Why don't you re-purpose it into a mission system? Think what the Pubs used to have, but done a bit differently.

Works like this


A writer has two choices. They can register into the mission thread their Jedi and another, so long as it's agreed upon by the writers, and they are given a prompt. A basic mission idea. Retrieve a crystal, stop gang warfare on a planet, liberate a slave camp, stuff like that. And let them work with it as they like. Or... They can register their Jedi alone, and be randomly matched up with another Jedi in the system, and given a prompt.

This way, if any Jedi are having trouble finding threads with their faction...

Easy peasey.

Matsu Ike-05/05/2017

hmm that could be fun and falls into my wheelhouse of liking to organize and make lists


On the staff end, you should make a list of prompts that can be handed out. And just assign them randomly when someone asks for one, or two people are put into the randomized system. You don't have to use a different mission everytime.

It's called a thread roulette on the site I'm on

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