Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He's back...again

Not really sure how to word this.

I vanished. I dropped...three rp's and just vanished. I did a Skywalker, there, that's what happened. Something happened and I did a Skywalker. Ya'll had to go on a quest for a map to find me and yeah, stuff happened. I'm sorry for vanishing, but your hero is back! :)

Honestly, IRL took over. A lot of things happened in a very short time, I lost two good friends. One due to cancer, and one due to my own stupidness. This one isn't dead, this one just wants nothing to do with me. I planned on returning a few times but again, I just couldn't bring myself to do it, even though I knew I had to to keep the Ebon Hawk and whatever.

So yeah. If anyone can fill me in on what's changed since like, June, i'd be down for that.


Well-Known Member
Sith triumtive is reverting to minor, I think the OS are as well. Courasant was taken by the GA. And the Clans have declared War on the Republic.

[member="Kei Garnik"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Kei Garnik"], also [member="Tefka"] stepped down from head admin. Is now head technical advisor or something.

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