Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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He's goin for third!

I was hoping to find something funny or witty on the internet about that title, but all I found were pictures of baseball players. Ah well.

Anyway! For the past couple of months I've been working two jobs at around 45 hours or so a week between the two. Currently I'm looking to replace one of those jobs, but even if I do we're looking at around 60 hours a week or more due to the Summer (Summer in Maine = 2 to three times as much hours. It's fantastic!)

What this means however is that I may be slowing down a bit on my posting. This in no way means I'll be poofing, as I enjoy the RP here, and it helps keep me sane, but it will mean slightly slower posting, and maybe a day or two of no posts at all.


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