Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hevana Martin

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier

NAME: Hevana Martin, Heavy {nickname}
RANK: Non-Force User
SPECIES: Genetically enhanced human
AGE: 25
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5 ft 3 in or 159 cm
WEIGHT: 110 lbs or 50 kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian, fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Eidetic Memory - Hevana has a perfect memory, able to recall anything she has seen or heard before.
  • Super strength - Having inherited the genetic enhancements of her mother, Hevana had strength far above that of someone of similar size. In effect she is stronger than men many times larger than her.
  • Marksmanship - Hevana is an exceptional long distance shot, far above average.
  • Hand to hand combat skills- Using her strength, she is extremely effective in close quarters combat and has trained in hand to hand techniques.
  • Genius level intellect - also from her mother, Hevana is extremely smart even if she prefers to pretend otherwise.
  • Lightsaber training - Suck it.
  • No Force powers - Despite her mother's force abilities, Hevana was born without the Force.
  • Can't pilot - Seriously, her behind the wheel is a bad idea.
  • High Metabolism - Being only half blooded with her genetic enhancements, Hevana has to eat more than normal people to keep her strength up.
  • Low Alcohol tolerance - Like all Martins, Hevana cannot hold her booze
  • Distrust of men - Raised only around girls, she has a hard time interacting with men aside from on the battlefield.
  • Short temper - Hevana has always had a short temper, and often responds with a fist first and words second.


Born on Kamino to the original Lenavina Martin. She never knew her father Nathaniel Toli, and this is likely part of why she grew up with an intense distrust of men. This has often made her life difficult, as she has trouble interacting with those she works for or with. Added to her large appetite and incredible strength, she earned the nickname Heavy but also remained largely an outcast. She enlisted in the Galactic Empire and became a scout trooper rising to the rank of Corporal, part of a unit trained specifically to hunt down and kill Force users.

During this time she fell in love, was betrayed, and soon went into a downward spiral. It did not take long before her life off duty was little more than sex and alcohol. Even this life eventually came to an end when her grandmother, a woman she had never met, froze Hevana and her sister Lena in carbonite. What had been intended to be a short 150 year sleep had turned into almost 800 years, and Hevana awoke to find a Galaxy like nothing she had ever imagined.

With she has no place to go, and no marketable skills besides death and destruction (which she is quite good at), Hevana did what came naturally. She went and got drunk in a bar. Luckily for her, she met Siobhan Kerrigan there and was invited to joined Omega Pyre. Here she found a place for herself, and has even risen to the rank of Sergeant Her friendship with Siobhan has continued, and Hevana is fiercely loyal to the former Jedi. She even was taught how to wield a lightsaber by the Colonel.

Most recently she met a red haired Jedi by the name of Coryth, who Hevana took an immediate liking to.





Scout for Work
Wayward Children Get Punished
Escort Duty
New Security
Dancing into Trouble
Cantina Rat
I was outnumbered, really!

A Piracy Problem
Business and Other Things
Clockwork Omega
Now This is Podracing

I attack with my laser sword (Lightsaber training)

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