Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey all!

Hello hello hello.

This place looks incredible. Really excited to get started here and can't wait to meet everyone! There's obviously a lot happening here, so be patient with me as I wade in.

Question! (And maybe this isn't the right place to ask this.) My character is an Ithorian. As I understand it, most of them live on Felucia and it looks like Felucia is having a rough time right now. Can anyway fill me in on what's happening there? I think I picked up on a little bit of it by reading the thread, but I want to give my character a believable starting point that actually fits in with the universe you guys have built.

Thank you, and like I said, really looking forward to meeting you guys!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Meelo Carr"] Welcome to the Chaos! Happy to have you with us. :)

Take a look over the established timeline (set approx 850yrs AFTER 'The Last Jedi' era) here:

...and then a quick look at the galaxy map and who is what and where...

...and then see where you want your character to fit in during these tense times between good and evil!

Please ask any questions you have so we can help you out.

Ao Xian

Everyone Forgets the Tail Flick
[member="Meelo Carr"] Welcome to Chaos!

A very short form is that the dominant Jedi Order (The Silver Jedi) recently pulled out of that area and the Sith Empire is gobbling up territory and is closing in on Felucia (also some stuff burned and people got killed when a Sith Lord ran amok there not too long ago)

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