Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey all!

Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Just a newcomer hoping to get back into some good ol' EU-related RP - I'm bored to death of most other things, and could use a good, reliable hobby to get back into... Even then, the new Star Wars stuff just isn't the same, if I may put it politely. A bit of info about me:

1. Almost all of my handful of OCs are Bothans - I just LOVE those furry aliens!

2. I am willing to play up to four characters for a single setting, should that setting house them all, but prefer to stick with one or two at the most.

3. I'm a male IRL, even if three out of my four main OCs are female, just thought I'd be honest and up-front about that.

4. I'm an aspie and a lifelong nerd since the tender age of five, with Star Wars and the EU being my first major exposures to my lifelong hobby, and I've loved worldbuilding in almost every form ever since then.

5. While I've had mostly negative interactions online, I try to be as kind as possible and only troll those who threaten the nerds and worldbuilders aggressively - and even then, I have a great deal of patience before I lose my temper. Due to my being on the Internet in the pre-social media days and because of lifelong, self-imposed isolation, I've learned to not expect too much in the way of lasting friendship and romance in these types of places/forums/chats. A negative outlook, I know, but that's the one I've developed, so I hope you'll bear with social awkwardness and a bit of grumpiness every so often.

That's all for now, and I hope we can all have lots of fun! I look forward to roleplaying and philosophizing together!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome to CHAOS, [member="Last-Nerd-Bard"]
Nice of you to post about yourself.
But rest assured, there is no trolling at all here. It's immediately taken care of with zero tolerance on bullies.

So, get yourself all ready to have some awesome adventures and meet other creative writers..or role players if you will.

Look over the site and you'll see that there is a quantum amount of activity in the role playing forums and everywhere. Also we have a factory section here where you can create and submit your ideas of weapons, ships and even create worlds.
Anywho, you'll see for yourself what this place is about. Enjoy. :D
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
[member="Marina DeVoe"] Nice to meet you, Dear. Rest assured I'm more then willing to get back into my favorite, lifelong franchise. Every visit to the EU is just as enjoyable as the first time I started delving into it, a looooong time ago. I look forward to sharing ideas, moral philosophizing and whatever else this forum can offer.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
So you've been at this game play for a looong time now, huh [member="Last-Nerd-Bard"] ?
Hehe...likewise. :D

Chances are we may have run into each other on other sites through the years, as quite a few writers here are also from those looong nearly forgotten SW sites. But really, unlike those sites with drama, here you'll find a kind of haven from that. I've had my share of dealing with bullies in the past too across the boards and I can say this place definitely lacks them. like i said, they are quickly dealt with with minimal if at all noticed disruption to the creative environment they have established here. I should have jumped on over here a long time ago. But I was not one to quickly abandon the old boards and unfortunately I seen them wither down to nothing...most don't even exist any longer.

Anywho, I know you'll enjoy making a home here. :)
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Yeah [member="Marina DeVoe"] , I've been involved in SW ever since I was merely five, and had discovered the EU by around age ten or eleven, and while I branched out to other forms of sci-fi and fantasy over the years, SW and the EU have always had a special place in my heart. By thirteen I had developed my little team of OCs, and, over the years, some have been discarded and others have remained constant and nigh unchanged.

I'll admit, its mostly due to my own social ineptitude and my paranoid tendencies that have kept me from making any lasting friends of any sort, as much, if not moreso, then mere bullying issues. I'm the prefect example of what happens if someone is left alone with books, a computer and a TV for companionship by well-meaning, but busy parents who have not enough time to properly give: I'm socially stunted and am largely used to being alone, with only my imagination for company as a result. But weep not for me - I'm used to it after so many years. Its better to be alone then to have to go through what I went through in college, I'll say that much. So long as this place is drama-free, I should be plenty happy enough. I just hope this place lasts, even if the Mouse should drive SW into the dirt within a couple of years or so. I'd mourn the EU all over again and would be reduced to writing for merely myself if places like this ever fully went away.

Thanks for having me, and when my overworked ass gets into gear, I'll certainly look forward to keeping the stories going! May the Force be with you, Marina.

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