Hanna Ike
(IC Plug
So I am the former Vice Chancelor of the Repulbic, I have also held the postions of Senator of Hapes and Secretary of State (third in command of the repulbic). I am dating he wonderulf [member="Matsu Ike"] and would love something to do to help the organization that she devotes so much too. I am force sensitive but I don't have much use for healing or fighting, I fight with words as I have only ever been a pollitician. I do know how to use a lightfoil to defend myself I suppose. So anyone have something or an idea of what I could do?
Well basicly I want to be useful
So I am the former Vice Chancelor of the Repulbic, I have also held the postions of Senator of Hapes and Secretary of State (third in command of the repulbic). I am dating he wonderulf [member="Matsu Ike"] and would love something to do to help the organization that she devotes so much too. I am force sensitive but I don't have much use for healing or fighting, I fight with words as I have only ever been a pollitician. I do know how to use a lightfoil to defend myself I suppose. So anyone have something or an idea of what I could do?
Well basicly I want to be useful