Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey All

(IC Plug :D )
So I am the former Vice Chancelor of the Repulbic, I have also held the postions of Senator of Hapes and Secretary of State (third in command of the repulbic). I am dating he wonderulf [member="Matsu Ike"] and would love something to do to help the organization that she devotes so much too. I am force sensitive but I don't have much use for healing or fighting, I fight with words as I have only ever been a pollitician. I do know how to use a lightfoil to defend myself I suppose. So anyone have something or an idea of what I could do?

Well basicly I want to be useful :D
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Hanna Vondiranach"]

You sweetie are in one of the threads and that is helping. There are always other ones we can use for helping people out or meeting. General exploring of planets like SHri-Tal and Voss as we now have some great things coming to us. If you could work a deal out with some of Hapes to get some old model pulsemass and battledragons

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