Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey Guys and Gals--Life Happenings with Rygen

So, I disappeared for quite a while. Sorry about that.

So as (most) of you are probably aware, I found out that my girlfriend has Fibromyalgia. For those who do not know, it is a chronic condition and there is no cure. Its pain, all over your body. It gets worse with stress. I have learned a LOT about it and that is by no means the full explanation. The curious shall have Google as their aid.

Flash back eight months:

My middle brother (who has been a pain in my butt and the rest of the family's collective butts) moved out. Kaputz. Just strait up packs his bags and says "I am moving away to a different college in Arlington. Peace out," and he gave us the bird. No one who knew him was surprised by this action. He rarely thinks.... and when he does its generally about a female and not about the future. While in college, he meets a girlfriend. They start going steady. He moves into her family's house after the spring semester instead of coming here for the summer.

We all gave a collective sigh of relief. Truth is he gave us a lot of emotional pain over 20 years and the past few months had helped is really cleanse that out. I frankly had no idea how bad he had hurt me and how much it had affected me until he was gone. It was like for the first time in my life I was thinking clearly and was able to relate to my friends and everyone in general without having to worry "what if my brother sabotages this relationship too?" ((Side note: he and my girlfriend HATE each other because of this. When she and I started dating he tried to steal her away from me... when she gave him the bird and told him to f off, he spent several weeks trying to humiliate and bad mouth me in front of her/behind my back. I knew she was a keeper from that point forward)).

Flash to late May:

He and his girlfriend got kicked out of their mom's house after several months of financial trouble between the two of them. Her mom is a rich douche who reminds me of a desperate house wife. For now the girlfriend is moving to Houston for the time being and my brother is moving, that's right, back in. So, he has been living here a few weeks now and to say there is tension is an understatement. There are a LOT of negative feelings going around with the six people in the house. But I think its good; he has literally two bags of clothes, and what he left here for his material possessions in this world. No car. No job. Nothing.

I have been up to my eyeballs in helping rebuild a broken and (understandably) angry family. So... that is where I have been. Its a full time job plus overtime with no pay. Sorry I disssapeared without a word, things happened pretty fast. And of course, with an extra mouth means a need for more money.

As far as Skype goes, I am pretty much not on much anymore. I am generally tired. With that, emotionally and/or mentally too drained or drunk to have a sensible conversation. I am going to try to start posting around here again, but don't hold your breath for the 16+ posting sprees I have had of old or the 10+ threads running at once until he moves back out in... January. -_-

Tl;Dr: My girlfriend has fibromyalgia and I am helping her. My douchebag brother moved back in and I have had to help a lot of crying people feel better. I ain't able to be on skype much anymore, don't expect tons of posts from me for a while but I will keep trying.

peoples I know this affect(ed/s) a lot:
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="Stardust Raxis"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="James Justice"]

Not a lot to say here except *hugs*

Miss ya buddy! We're always here when you need us,even if it's just to vent.
[member="James Justice"] , My father has MS which is on the same family so I understand a small bit what you are going through. Chaos is hopefully an escape for us not a chore, anything your able to do here is welcome but take care of yourself and the ones you love. They matter most.
[member="Bryce Bantam"]
Thanks, I don't believe we have met before but I appreciate it.

[member="Lady Kay"]

Thanks, I am sorry about leaving things hanging--I know I can always count on you as one of my best mates. :)
[member="James Justice"], hang in there, friend. Life gets better. Put on some Parliament/Funkadelic from time to time and remember to breathe.



Well-Known Member
Sigh. Fibro sucks. My mother has it, and plenty of people believe i do as well. And sadly, as you said, nothing can cure it. Hell little can even stop the pain as well, besides outright burning the nerves, which is only temperary as it will inevitably rise once more.

Miss roleplaying with ya on the ocassion, its been fun. Let us all know when your fully back!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="James Justice"]

Of course I'm one of your best mates. I've got your back ;) Take it easy and come back when you're ready to tackle all of the trouble that I get into
[member="Valashu Elahad"]
Thanks I appreciate that

[member="Jack Sparrow"]

[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Yeah, sorry about that. :/ If/when you see me making to and three topics a day again, contact me and remind me of this. We can powerhouse a thread out then :)

[member="Bryce Bantam"]

Oh, right now I remember! Your a pretty good fella. Remind me later and we can see about doing something.

Yall are all the best, thanks. I do appreciate all of your kindness.

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