Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey guys!

Hello everyone, name is TheValiantOne - or you can just call me Valiant for short - I'm so excited to join you guys and can't wait to get started in role playing. Although I'm currently working on creating characters, I'm open to rp in any thread so just give me a heads up if there are any openings. I have been part of a forum like this ( but outside of the Star Wars universe) but it's been years since the last time I've been part of a community like this so if I accidentally do something funky or make a bunch of typos, just give me a nudge and I'll be more than willing to fix-up what I can. Anyways, I hope to meet lots of people and perhaps make friends down the rode here. Nice meeting you all!~
krupathing krupathing

Welcome to Chaos. It's a lovely place I hope you'll find. Most writers here are super amicable. As for open RP threads, it's sort of laissez-faire. The best way arguably to get RP IMO is to involve yourself in the factions of the site. So the big fellas who haunt the map of the site. And there is plenty of flavour for any and all sorts. Space Fascism, space democracy, space piracy, cyberpunk, etc.
if they're watching anyways
krupathing krupathing welcome to Chaos!

As the friendly robot man said above, best way to get involved with the community is to find a few people to write with. I strongly suggest hopping into the Discord (linked up in the corner) if you haven't already.

Can't wait to see you get writing!

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