Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hey Little Sister, Who's Your Superman?


Location: Silver City Gym
Objective: Workout & Spar
Tag: Kat Decoria Kat Decoria

A week ago the bulletin had appeared up on the board of the office. It let the officers know that a Force Adept was holding some sparing sessions at a local gym and was willing to spar with anybody interested. Hotch spent a lot of time in the boxing ring so this was right up her alley. When she got to the gym she wasn't surprised to see a few other guys from her precinct there. They nodded at her, and chuckled. This was usually how it was for Hotch. She was one of the only women in this lineup and the guys still didn't think she fit in, despite the fact that she could hold her own in the ring with them every day during PTO.

She wondered if the instructor would have the same hang up.
Location: Silver City Gym
Objective: Workout
Tag: Kaylee Hotchner

Kat entered the gym, she hadn't been one usually interested in sparring or fighting NFU since it was never usually a fair fight. Not only was she skilled in the Force which provided her foresight and insight that the standard person could never have, however, she was also an Echani. Born to be a fighter, skilled to a level where an Echani could predict the movements and outcomes of fights minutes before they happened. However, this wasn't a training session that was about proving her skills or capabilities. This was a training exercise meant to help others out.

Her attire did not reflect her skills as a Jedi Knight, though her toned, muscular figure did demonstrate that she was someone considered to be a skilled fighter. She jumped into the ring, began stretching her limbs and muscles, flexing her body as she prepared to fight some of the officers that had signed up for the training session today. It was mostly men, which was not too surprising but she was scanning the crowd and selected the largest, biggest officer, determined to make a point in the opening of today.

Checking her handwraps, ensuring that they were strapped tightly and watched the man smirk and slid into the ring. Kat bounced a little on the spot as she watched, "show me what you have officer." Kat stated in a cool tone, her mind focused and connected to the fighter mindset.

As the man charged, Kat saw her opportunity, this was going to be over quickly. Ducking under the arm he swung at her head, her fists thrusted forward and hard to his ribs and side. Precision blows knocked the wind out of him. Kicking the back of his right knee, forcing him to kneel, then punched his jaw. Finishing the fight in the first thirty seconds or so. Kat sighed out as she let out a disappointed sigh, "if you think size or gender determines the winner in a fighter, you are wrong and you will always lose that fight."

She knew how others thought, especially non-Echani males would think, "pick a partner, we'll go through some of the basics one must know in hand to hand combat." She used the Force to heal the minor injuries she gave the officer, offering a reassuring smile before sliding them both out of the ring and looked around to ensure everyone had a partner.

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