Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey star fighter pilots types!

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Yeah I'm talking to you fighter jocks. Perhaps you all would be interested in doing some RP with me. I don't have a fighter but the ship I do have is BIG and had hanger bays. Perhaps we could hook up and blow some stuff up together.

I know you guys work together well. I've seen the way you are tag team hitting on [member="Kayleigh Tyven"].
[member="Orick T'ane"]

I didn't have a specific idea, maybe there's some important mission for the Angels to run, and I wold be the support.

Or considering that there are so many new members in the Angels you could be doing a training mission gone wrong. With an attack by the Sith or perhaps finding a pirate base or the like.

[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Tadel Perris"] [member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Jamie El-Eison"] [member="Sressechka"] @Roth Tillian
I like it! Especially the pirate base, bit. Will there be hidden treasures to be found?

Also, I've had a small mission idea up my sleeve, something of a hit and run/strike assault. It would need a little tweaking, as it was for another site and for the NR vs. Imps, but it never made it off ground. I wouldn't mind revisiting that idea and collaborating for it to fit here, if that's something you guys are interested in?
Sorry, sorry - yes I'm late I excuses.

Of course I'm up for this (or should that be down?)

Either way it's a yes - and if I don't reply quicker next time - just prod me via a certain other character, OK?



Morality Policeman :)
If it gets our birds in the air, I'm down for it! I like anything that involves taking out Sith targets after what I saw at Manaan and Kashyyyk.

Also, RA is currently heading into an invasion, but I'm sure a collaborative mission or Red Flag event could be arranged with them afterwards. The Republic and the Rebels are the only factions with active pilots at the moment.

Well, your'e flight boss, so you have final say as to what gets your birds in the air. I have a big hanger that's just begging to be used, so you point in the right direction and I'll chauffeur you to where you need to go, and I'll provide the support needed to keep everyone alive.

How about this. I'll start a thread where you take the angels out for some training and find some pirates. just let me know if it's something you want to do and I'll provide the starting point. I'll provide the starting point with the Farstrider and I can provide support if needed.


Morality Policeman :)
I'll get something posted by Monday!

[member="Orick T'ane"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], [member="Keanu Shan"] [member="Tadel Perris"], [member="Jamie El-Eison"], [member="Braha Saca"], [member="Roth Tillian"], [member="Ric Ardellian"], [member="Lugus Porkins"], [member="Tela Uolmi"], [member="Aqulia Audax"], [member="Victoria Undomiél"], [member="Larana Holst"]
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