Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hey There Delilah

Delilah Brujav

Location: Roon, Undiscovered Location

Delilah wasn't one for secrecy. In fact, she rather disliked it. Her defection from the Sith Empire hadn't been exactly an easy transition. Her Mandalorian training had gone well, and yet, she was left pondering at what her next move would be.

She was still working on her armor, and truthfully she had yet to see the stock of ships that she had been promised by this Aloy of House Vizsla. Yet, she would remain true to Star. She had given her word after all, and despite her tendencies, she did not want to turn away from such a trust. So now here she stood in a clearing, wondering what exactly Star had called her out here for. She certainly hoped this wasn't another surprise training. She wasn't exactly in the mood for it.

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

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