Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey there from Scotland.


Active Member
Hi everyone I'm Jamie and I'm looking forward to giving this a go! I'm from Scotland and used to RP a lot on another Star Wars forum years ago but I haven't been writing stories for a while. Looking forward to making some characters and getting to play with you lot.

I'm hoping to join the First Order and probably playing a stormtrooper/officer. If I've read the rules right you can't have a ship longer than 150 metres? Oh and would anyone please be able to tell me if I'm able to start as something other than an enlistee I guess? :p

Welcome to Chaos from an Irish Lass relocated to America!!!

I'm not to familiar with how military ranks work....but....I'm going out on a limb and say yes only because force users have to start out on the lower rung of the totem pole.


Active Member
Cheers everyone I really appreciate the responses and hopefully we'll get the chance to RP together and stuff. :)

And hey there glad to see we're well represented here. :p

Just join the faction. IC ranks tend to be different than OOC ranks. The board works on a three tier rank system. Reach out to the FO military about what is needed and find a hole to fill!!! That is the best advice I can give! Welcome to Chaos!
skin, bone, and arrogance
Hello there [member="Kierel"] . I'm one of the Administrators of the First Order faction, so if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. You can PM me as well if you'd like to chat privately. :)

Welcome to SWRP!


Active Member
Welp, insomnia strikes again. I can't even recall the name of the board it was years ago and it was set in the Galactic Civil War era. It was fun but I had a lot of work and uni stuff going on so I stopped posting. Still RP a bit on SWTOR as funnily enough a stormtrooper for the Republic. What can I say I love the white armour. :p

And thank you faction leaders no doubt will be PMing you soonish. I've been lurking the past few days to get a rough idea of what to do and also to browse the spaceships section. :wub:

Connor Harrison

[member="Kierel"] Welcome to the Chaos, fellow Brit! Shout if you have any questions, and I have a character in the FO too - see you out there! :)
Scotland, huh. The cousins up north!
Welcome anyway, welcome. Always interested in seeing new people :)

You're British? Meh, the more you know! British buddies! :)
[member="Connor Harrison"]

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