Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey there well Im new!

hey there everyone just got here took me awhile to log in but i finally did so I was told to come here by a friend and i thought this looks quite interesting and I think I'll be glad to be a member of this place it looks great and well see you all in Role playing oh and one question I see people using there character names as they're own how are they able to change their name like that?


Zenith of Bakers
Hi, [member="DarknessUnleashedRP"]! Welcome to the site. Most of what you need to know is in rules. As for your question, it's a character name tag most of the time. That's when you make a new character, usually you only get to choose your character's name once.
JanesBatter said:
Hi, [member="DarknessUnleashedRP"]! Welcome to the site. Most of what you need to know is in rules. As for your question, it's a character name tag most of the time. That's when you make a new character, usually you only get to choose your character's name once.
thanks for the respond to the question I've already read the rules and started at looking into character creation


Zenith of Bakers
[member="DarknessUnleashedRP"] it took me a while to get the hang of it, but if you visit your own profile (by clicking on your icon at the home page) you can click on characters, then add sub-account. That is your character.
JanesBatter said:
[member="DarknessUnleashedRP"] it took me a while to get the hang of it, but if you visit your own profile (by clicking on your icon at the home page) you can click on characters, then add sub-account. That is your character.
Thanks I just found it on the rules though i think i must of read past that bit lol

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, and keep the questions coming anytime you need help.

Connor Harrison said:

Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun with us, and keep the questions coming anytime you need help.

hey i got a quick question can you betray or change a faction? like say i was on a planet and i was a jedi if sith arrive and take it over can they make me a sith if i agree?

Connor Harrison


Of course - joining a Faction isn't a blood contract for you to stay there! You can do a story, like you say, where your Jedi is on a planet or involved in a battle, and a Sith could capture you or turn you to the Dark Side and then you just leave the Light Side faction you're in and join the Dark Side faction.

Of course you work out the story idea between yourself and the Sith so you know what you both want, but other than that, write it out and enjoy wherever it takes you!

We have people who join the Mandalorians as a Force User, but then may leave them to join the Republic to further develop their Jedi, but then could become a Dark Jedi at the hands of the Dark Side and join the One Sith.

It's up to you really where your character takes you! :)
Connor Harrison said:

Of course - joining a Faction isn't a blood contract for you to stay there! You can do a story, like you say, where your Jedi is on a planet or involved in a battle, and a Sith could capture you or turn you to the Dark Side and then you just leave the Light Side faction you're in and join the Dark Side faction.

Of course you work out the story idea between yourself and the Sith so you know what you both want, but other than that, write it out and enjoy wherever it takes you!

We have people who join the Mandalorians as a Force User, but then may leave them to join the Republic to further develop their Jedi, but then could become a Dark Jedi at the hands of the Dark Side and join the One Sith.

It's up to you really where your character takes you! :)
thank you its good to know that because before the new update to the site my friend asked one of the staff but the staff didn't really answer the question correctly but that was a while ago and he doesnt play any more so i thought i'd give he's idea for a story ago

Connor Harrison


Check out the map - and you can see the shades of colour that Factions "own".

Now no planet is pretty much out of bounds to RP on BUT you need to bear in mind logic; it'd be tricky for a Jedi to arrive on Coruscant (now controlled by Sith) to go on a mission or something. I mean, he can get there under radar, of course, but don't go trying to liberate the planet or anything like that or start a revolution! :p

You could go to explore, to train yourself's up to you.

Of course, planets are more than just the cities and places we seen in the books and films so use your imagination of course to further your character and have fun.

The planets NOT in colour are totally neutral.

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