Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey There!

Hello there everyone, my name is BeepBot and Im glad to be here. I've always had quite an interest in the Role Playing universe whether is would be through video games or board games like DnD (Sadly I have not had much luck lately getting my real life friends to play games like DnD with me.) and so now I'd like to try to role play through stories. I did actually check this website out around 2-3 years back and had no clue what I was doing but now that I have joined more websites like this one and understand how they actually work I will most likely stay for good this time. And now that I have read through the rules, a bit of the lore and explored the website I think Im ready to begin character creation, meet you on the battlefield! :)
@Allanja Djo , Thanks Im glad to be back

Edit: Could somebody give me a quick tutorial on how mentioning people works, just realised after sending this message that it doesnt work like on the other forum.
[member="Kirk"] ,Thanks for helping me with that, don't know how I didn't see that.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] ,Thanks I will!

[member="Marina"] ,Glad to be aboard Captain

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Welcome to Chaos, [member="BeepBot"] .
I kind of did the same thing...peek in like 2 or three years ago but at the time was loosing momentum in writing, so I passed. Must have been my blue period...or whatever..

Anywho, it passed, and two or 3 years later here I landed again...and now they are stuck with me. :p

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