Hey, this is crazy...
And I just met you.
But I'm running from bounty hunters,
so hide me, maybe?
Aylayl was green, lush, and it wasn't heavily populated, which meant carrying out her job in complete and blissful solitude. Today, she was surrounded by ferns and trees and moss – it was bound to be a good day.
Dressed in black jeans, a tee, a flannel shirt, and a beanie, she may have looked a little like a grungy mountaineer or wannabe hipster kid. But fact was, she was a scientist – a botanist, actually. Kneeling, she stuck a tube-like rod down into the forest floor to take sample. Glaring, she carefully dispensed the compacted soil into a long plastic test tube, which had already been meticulously labeled with date, location, and a description of the local flora.
Mirah gently placed the tube with the others in a specially designed plastic crate that would keep the samples upright. Next to that, was a myriad of test containers in various sizes. They were neatly stacked and categorized – soil samples, moss, bark, leaves, seeds. Each crate had taken nearly an hour to sort out, and when the day was done, she'd load it all onto her little trailer and go back to her ship.
But, there was still work to be completed in this area.
In fact, there were some pretty gnarly (and awesome) looking fungus attached to the trunk of a large evergreen tree. Mirah tilted her head up, shielding her darkly lined eyes from the sun. Said fungus was at least 70 feet from the ground. She huffed, just thinking about it and rummaged through her pack for a climbing harness, spiked shoes, and a gauntlet that would shoot a safe-line up into the tree.
As she stepped into the harness, she spared a glance at her samples – and felt a tickle of worry. But she reasoned with herself... being so far out, the chances of running into anyone was pretty slim. Her stuff would be fine.
Nej Tane