Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hey You're Awake

Jett was hauling several apostates, including the Zelosian Ygra, to Hattusa, Dosuun's fortress moon controlled by the Dark Wardens. The shuttle, designed so only the pilot could see out, amplified the captives' disorientation. The Force-suppressing corral behind him was tinted so darkly that none of them could make out their surroundings.

The gloomy atmosphere heigtened the lack of light in the corral where the prisoners sat. Their senses mostly deprived, but the one that was able to be of use, only gave them a very clinical sense of their surroundings. Cuffed together with newly created absencite lined cuffs.

Jett navigated the shuttle with ease, occasionally glancing back at the prisoners. "Hey, you're awake," he greeted them, the group he was hauling had all been considered apostates, rogue Force Users of the state. Those who hadn't registered or had failed to comply with Guild regulations.

"And," he let the word punctuate the moment, "it seems the Dark Wardens have use for you lot yet." Jett's lack of interest was evident in his tone; he wanted the apostates dead.

The shuttle jolted, and a murmur of fear spread through the corral. Jett smirked and looked into the side mirror, his reflection staring back. "Just a bunch of meatbags," he muttered as he maneuvered the shuttle onto the landing pad. "Sit tight, don't move. Those corrals are quick to render you dead if you move the wrong way."

As the shuttle landed, Jett's words lingered ominously. The Wardens themselves secured the shuttle, and Jett climbed out of the cockpit. He moved to the back and opened the corral, addressing the group. "Welcome to Hattusa," he announced with a dark grin. "Some of you might have a shot at proving yourselves. The rest of you, well... let's just say, you'll be very useful to'em as bait."

The imposing fortress of the Dark Wardens loomed over them as Jett led the prisoners out, one by one. The heavily fortified and well-hidden headquarters on the fortress moon stood as a stark reminder of the fate awaiting those who dared to defy the Commonwealth and its enforcers. For some, it was a chance at redemption; for others, it was the end of the line.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
Heavy breathing comes from one of the prisoners in particular. Ygra didn't like being out in space on such a confined ship as this. So dark, without even star light to keep things lit. She was, after all, Zelosian. They needed sunlight as much as water and everything else. Being in the dark like this, away from the surface of a planet or moon, and without Seek with her. It was like a nightmare.

And to think, this was all because Ygra had been curious to meet more of her people in what she discovered too late was the territory of the "Commonwealth". She didn't know it was a crime to simply want to meet your own kin on a distant world. To see if she could learn more from them than she had her dear departed aunt, Iga. All for the sake of her curious nature was she now shackled and hauled away to some terrible place for these "Dark Wardens" to do with her as they wished.

In the dark of the ship's hull she muttered to herself over and over "Shadows protect my steps.... Shadows protect my steps... Protect..."

When the ship finally landed, everyone going out one-by-one, Ygra took a moment to exmaine the moon fortress. Everything looked so dangerous, yet with a dark beauty she was always drawn to. From the corner of her eye she saw as someone was carrying her ID9 droid, Seek, bolted and folded up into stasis.

"My droid!" she blurted. "Please! Don't hurt my droid. He's my friend!"

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
The interior of the fortress was a dark stone labyrinth, reminiscent of a medieval dungeon. The cold, damp air clung to the walls, which were lined with flickering torches casting eerie shadows. The atmosphere was oppressive, filled with a sense of impending doom. The group of prisoners shuffled nervously into the fortress, the sound of their footsteps echoing ominously in the narrow corridors.

Jett shrugged off the prisoners and headed to an office to fill out paperwork. The remaining captives were unceremoniously split into two groups.Ygra's droid disappeared into a hallway, and on one paid her anymind. A gruff-looking Warden approached them, his voice booming in the confined space. "Listen here, apostates," he began, his tone dripping with disdain. "One half of you is gonna be bait, the other half gets to prove yourselves in the arena."

He paced between the groups, eyes narrowing as he assessed them. "Those who survive and show they've got talent might just get to serve as recruits. Some of you might be wonderin' how you got here. Well, you're not so bright. It's simple: you didn't register as a Force User. Others decided you weren't gonna abide by the Guild's regulations."

He paused, glaring at the prisoners. "Not that it matters much to me. You're all compost anyway." A signal was given, and the Warden pulled a lever. A section of the floor beneath a quarter of the group suddenly gave way, sending them plummeting into darkness. The sickening sound of bodies hitting the ground echoed back up, a chilling reminder of their fate.

"Those ones are gonna be fed to some of the Sithspawn we're studying here," the Warden explained, his voice devoid of sympathy. "Now, the rest of you, get moving."

As the remaining prisoners, including Ygra, were cuffed in absencite-linked chains, the heavy clink of metal against stone filled the room. The chains were designed to suppress their abilities, rendering any resistance futile. They were shuffled into the next room, a grim determination settling over the group.

One of the other prisoners gave Ygra a look, he then whispered, "I've managed to get out of here before."

"Not this time," the Warden snapped, overhearing the comment. "No one gets out of here without our say-so."

The reality of their situation sank in as they were herded deeper into the fortress, the stone walls closing in around them. This was a place where hope came to die, where every step forward was a march towards either proving their worth or meeting a grisly end. The oppressive atmosphere, combined with the Warden's brutal efficiency, made it clear: survival here would be a battle against both the Dark Wardens and their own despair.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
While part of her admired the decor, parts of it reminding the Zelosian of her old master's home on Naboo, Ygra's fears in the dark overtook her more creative nature. She'd initially felt the same way about the chains which held her, and the material they carried that kept her and the other Force users in check. She had never been restricted in such a way. It was odd as it was fascinating at first, but now the cuffs chaffed at her wrists and ankles. And the lack of proper movement made it worse.

When the other group dropped, Ygra looked down the hole into the dark. The following sound of death made her gulp, thanking the Force, the gods, and whoever else that her group was not among them. She was really missing Seek now. His little beeps and whirls would manage something to calm her.

After the other prisoner tried to boast of escape, only to be shot down by the warden, Ygra leaned closer and whsipered "He dosen't seem very nice, does he?"

Going further into the fortress, Ygra tried to brace for whatever would be awaiting her and the others. Sithspawn were mentioned. She had heard of these things. Creatures created via the Dark Side and other Sith experiments. If these things were collected here, perhaps she would finally see one for herself. Although, the threats of fighting for survival, meant she would not have a lot of time to properly examine one.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
The groups were made to stand in a line in a large, foreboding courtyard. At random, individuals were pulled out and led away, leaving the rest to endure the unsettling silence. The only sounds that pierced the air were the unceremonious thuds of bodies hitting the ground.

"Those are the bait," whispered one of the prisoners to Ygra, his voice trembling until a hand clamped down on his shoulder.

"I remember you. Thought you could get away, did ya?" sneered another Warden, this one scrawny with an eerie red glow in his eyes. The helmet revealed his mixed heritage—half Zabrak, half Chiss, with glimpses of blue skin peeking through. "You're coming with me. Got one that likes to eat 'em alive, we do."

Panic washed over the man's face as the Warden zapped him with a stun baton, causing him to crumple. "Let it be a lesson to you lot," the Warden snarled. "Accept your fate now. You've got a chance to live; this one's just a meatbag now."

"Keep it moving!" bellowed the other Warden, a massive figure half Thyrsian, half Epicanthix. He was an imposing tower of a man, urging the chain gang forward into what looked to be a set of barracks. The barracks were cold and damp, the walls adorned with the remains of previous gladiators, telling a gruesome tale.

The prisoners were unshackled from each other only to be shackled to individual cells. The large Warden's voice echoed through the stone walls. "This is gonna be your new home, you lot. Get comfy. You'll be fed in an hour, and soon after, you'll face the first trials."

The atmosphere was thick with despair, the dark stone walls and flickering torches casting ominous shadows. The smell of dampness and decay permeated the air, a constant reminder of the fate that awaited those who failed. The prisoners, now isolated in their cells, felt the weight of their predicament settling heavily on their shoulders. Survival here would be a relentless battle against both the harsh conditions and the unforgiving wardens.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
As he was dragged away, Ygra only gave a small wave to the man. Some final act of kindness in his last moments before being fed to whatever monster awaited him. After that, she was dragged along with the others into her cell. For a long moment, Ygra stood, listening to every sound she could hear. Whimpering. Prayer. The wardens laughing or speaking in the distance. All through darkness and torchlight.

She sat against the wall towards the cell. She waited until her food was brought, which she devoured in an instant. After that it was only a matter of waiting until her time in the arena.

Waiting is the perfect time for meditating, Old Master Selmyst would often tell her. She wished he were here too, giving advice through his kind voice.

Taking that lesson to heart, Ygra did her best to sit on the ground in a mediation state. Despite the shackles she tried to manage, getting a somewhat decent position. She closed her eyes, tried to drown out the noises around her, and Focus. The Force. The deep magiks. The powers behind them. She would connect with something eventually.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
The heavy silence of the barracks was shattered as the large Warden returned, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Time for your first trial," he announced, his voice booming through the stone chamber. "Get ready, you lot."

The prisoners were unshackled from their cells and herded into a vast underground arena. The atmosphere was oppressive, with the scent of blood and sweat lingering in the air. The stone walls were adorned with dark, ancient runes that seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy.

In the center of the arena stood a series of daunting obstacles: towering walls, pits filled with writhing creatures, and narrow walkways over boiling liquids. The Warden gestured to the daunting setup. "This here is your first trial. It's designed to test your endurance, agility, and cunning—all qualities the Dark Wardens prize."

He pointed to a line of weapons laid out on a stone table. "Each of you can take one weapon. Choose wisely."

Their challenge was simple make it through the labyrinth alive and they'd be able to take on the next trial. Fail, and they'd be meatbags for Sithspawn to feast upon. The massive stone walls were imposing to the say the least, and like lamb to the slaughter the prisoners were brought to the entry and then let loose. Whilst creatures, aberrations, Sithspawn and more awaited them.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
At the very least Ygra had been free of the shackles. Not only was her movement freer, but she was starting to feel her connection with the Force and the darker powers return. She sighed with relief before being dragged further on into the area. Like the other prisoners, she took a moment to examine what laid before her. A set of trials that even the Jedi would likely shudder at.

Silently, Ygra was brought over to decide her weapon. She was missing her blade given by the coven in her youth. She decided on a similar weapon among the arsenal. Now that she was free to use her magics, she cast a small, simple spell to enchant the blade. It might not cut as well as a lightsaber, but at least it was an edge over the usual steel and iron.

Now at the mouth of the testing grounds, Ygra took another deep breath. In her mind she focused on one thing: survive. After that she braced herself for whatever was about to happen next.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
The heavy iron door creaked open, revealing the dark, foreboding entrance to the labyrinth. The air inside was thick and musty, filled with the sounds of distant roars and skittering legs. The walls of the maze were made of ancient stone, slick with moisture and covered in dark, pulsing runes. Dim, flickering torches cast eerie shadows, adding to the sense of dread that permeated the place.

"Welcome to your first trial," the Warden's voice echoed through the chamber, a sadistic grin playing on his lips. "This labyrinth is filled with the most fearsome creatures the Dark Wardens have ever encountered. Your task is simple: survive and find your way out. Fail, and you'll become another meal for the beasts that dwell within."

As you step inside, the door slams shut behind you, plunging the maze into near darkness. Your heart pounds in your chest as you take in your surroundings. To your left, you hear a soft, menacing hiss, followed by the scraping of claws on stone. Ahead, a faint, eerie glow suggests a path forward, but the sound of buzzing wings warns of potential danger.

In the shadows, you can just make out the figures of other prisoners, each moving cautiously through the labyrinth. You grip your weapon tightly, ready for whatever comes next.

Beware the Kraujas Yirmiti, with their crimson plumage and sharp claws, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. Steer clear of the seemingly harmless Kirazi Jnika, amorphous piles of goo that can consume anything that disturbs them. Keep an eye out for the larger and more deadly Suppuraters, their spikes and acid posing a deadly threat. And be ever vigilant for the Nairi Wasps, their black carapaces and poison-filled stingers promising a painful end.

The path ahead is fraught with danger, but survival means proving your worth to the Dark Wardens. Navigate the twisting corridors, outsmart the creatures that hunt you, and find your way to the exit. Your fate, and perhaps your future, depend on it.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
In the dark of the maze-like halls, Ygra is alone. Each step is careful and cautious. Every little thing she hears, every drip or breath or grumble, she stops in her tracks. Torchlight only offers so much visibility. The Force, as her other main tool, allows her to feel for anything approaching. Prisoner or otherwise, she at least has the sense to know when and where it may come from. And then there's her magic; including that imbued within the blade she carries with her. She is far from helpless, but Ygra is not within her element. If this is what these "dark wardens" must endure in their tasks, she feels a sense of respect for them.

After turning down several paths, Ygra halts when she finds a large pile of goo on the floor. She recognizes it from Felucia. Jinka slime. Aunt Iga warned her of the foul fate that awaited any foolish enought to be ensanred. Ygra tries to look about for a way around it, inching her way against the walls.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
As you tread carefully through the shadowy, maze-like halls, every sound echoes with an eerie resonance. Your torchlight flickers, casting long, dancing shadows on the walls. You rely on the Force, feeling out for any approaching danger, the vibrations of potential threats sending subtle ripples through your senses. Your magic-imbued blade, a comforting weight at your side, glows faintly with its own energy.

After a series of cautious turns, you halt abruptly. Before you lies a large, pulsating pile of goo – Jinka slime, unmistakable in its menacing, slick sheen. Memories of Aunt Iga's warnings flash through your mind, the dire consequences of contact with this vile substance chilling your resolve. You inch closer to the walls, seeking a way around this treacherous obstacle.

You do not have to, and may write your way around the slime as you see fit. If you would like to roll, you may roll for the following:

Perception Check: Roll a d20 and add your Perception modifier to see if you notice any alternate paths or footholds around the slime. [If above 10: As you scan the area, your sharp eyes pick out a narrow ledge on the left side of the corridor. It looks just wide enough for careful traversal, but it will require balance and steady nerves.]

Dexterity Check: Roll a d20 and add your Dexterity modifier to attempt to navigate the ledge without slipping. [If above 10: You begin to edge your way along the ledge, each step precise and deliberate. The torchlight flickers in your grip, casting erratic shadows that momentarily distract you. Your foot slips slightly, but you catch yourself just in time, heart pounding. You continue, inch by inch, the slime mere inches away, threatening to ensnare you if you make a wrong move.]

If below 10 for either, write out failed consequences as you see fit.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
Ygra carefully inches her way around the ledge of the space between her and the deadly slime. Each of her steps are careful. She hears the creature's bubbling noise as it tries to find her. She watches both it and her feet to stay just out of reach. For a moment, the dancing of torchlight distracts her and her foot slips. It's a mere inch away from the slime before she recoils it away. For that moment she feels her heart thumping like a war-drum. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to steady both it and herself before opening them again. She inches her way again, slowly and carefully as if the wall were her only defense.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
The slime reacts, and lurches in an attempt to grab you.

[Optional roll, dexterity check - to escape its grasp, on a 10 or better. Otherwise, write out an escape as you see fit.]

As you move, you feel a presence in the Force. It's faint but it is calming, it's guiding you - you can see dancing lights ahead of you jumping in the direction you should go. The slime seems determined to grab you, the same presence gives you a whisper.


Meanwhile, you hear screams, some of your fellow prisoners are not so lucky.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
Ygra feels as the slime tries to snatch at her. In a quick attempt, she dives forward and lands away from the green, killing substance. She looks to the path ahead, hearing distant cries of those falling to whatever other horrors await in the maze. She looks back as the slime creeps towards her. When she turns back, she can feel the voice of something in the force telling her of the "ice" that she needs. There's nothing she knows in her many skills with either magic or the Force that can grant her that. At best, she uses a quick Force Push to knock it away from her before getting too close. Instead, she moved forward, towards the path with the lights ahead. She hopes their may be something that can aid her in repelling the beastly slime.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
The lights dance and guide Ygra away from the slime and whatever comforting feeling you had is gone. You're left to navigate the maze on her own. A fellow prisoner runs past you. They've not a clue about the slime, and pay the price for it. You have a choice, you can turn left or right, the lights however are still there and they form to point you in a particular direction. Will you trust them?

You hear something in the distance, and it sounds like it's growing closer.



May the Shadows Protect your Steps
As the prisoner runs past her, Ygra barely has time to warn him before hearing the screams as he's devoured by slime. She closes her eyes, shakes her head, and gives a silent prayer that his suffering ends quickly. She turns back to her options. The sound of something coming for her doesn't leave her much choice. In her mind, best to follow the light. Anything could be waiting in the dark. Things worse than slime. Best to see whatever she could see coming at her before handling it. With her blade forward, she follows the lightened path.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
As you follow the dancing lights it guides you down another corner. The maze dark as ever makes it hard for you to see ahead even with the dancing lights. The calm presence you felt makes a reappearance, it promises you'll be fine. Even so you can't help but get the feeling you're being followed. As you continue forward and see another turn up ahead, you find that the puddles that emerge on your path are made not from water, but of blood. There lay but a few feathers around them indicating just who created the puddle.

Ygra Ygra

You can roll to detect Force presence, and roll for perception to try and catch the Blood Condor/Harpy off guard. Succeed on a roll of 10 or better.]


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
The smell of it hits her first. The stink of blood forming into little puddles. This place proves all the more deadly with every path Ygra takes. She stops when she spots something near the black and red pools. Feathers? Crimson ones. Not wet. They did not fall into the bloody puddles. Something molted these massive things?

And suddenly, the unseen ally of the Force alerts her to something above. Ygra looks up. A great winged thing is perched above on a stone-made landing. A bloody condor that is currently feasting on what Ygra can only assume is the remains of another prisoner. Sadly, it's the only thing between her and the way forward. Lifting her free hand, Ygra decides to stun the beast first. From her palm, working up and out the tips of her fingers, she fires a quick bolt of Force lightning.

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren
Your hand crackles with energy as the Force lightning leaps from your fingertips, streaking through the dark air of the maze. The bolt finds its mark, striking the bloodstained condor with a sharp crackle that reverberates through the stone corridors. The beast lets out a piercing screech, its body convulsing as the electricity courses through it.

For a moment, you think it might be enough. The condor's wings falter, its claws slipping from the stone ledge as it struggles to regain its balance. But this creature is no ordinary prey. The lightning stuns it, yes, but the creature shakes off the attack with a violent shudder, its beady eyes now locked onto you with a newfound fury.

With a screech that echoes like nails on stone, the condor spreads its massive wings, each feather slick with the blood of its last victim. The air around you grows thick with the smell of decay as the beast pushes off from its perch, launching itself toward you in a swift, predatory dive. Its talons, as long as daggers, are outstretched, ready to tear into flesh.

You brace yourself as the harpy-like condor descends with terrifying speed, anger fueling its every movement. The darkness around you seems to close in as the creature's shadow falls over you, and the only way out now is to face it head-on.

Prepare to defend yourself, or take the offensive—you have but a moment to decide your next move.

Ygra Ygra


May the Shadows Protect your Steps
With the great winged horror coming down towards her, Ygra has little time to decide. Given the way it had taken her Force Lightning, she knows her force abilities will only be so much. Then she remembers the blade in her hand.

As the creatures comes closer, she throws up the blade in front of her like the point of a spear. Her hope is the creature will realize too late what it is about to run into and take the brunt of her weapon. A good chance she may tumble with it as well, but minor scars and bruises are more forgiving that being devoured by a predator. (She also ponders if the beast would even like the taste of her vegetable-origin being.)

Jett Zaldaren Jett Zaldaren

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