Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heya, feed me all of your advice.

Hey, so my brother had joined you guys a few months back and he simply gave up. Sucks right. But, he was telling me about it, and since I'm a bigger star wars fan than he is. Even if he says he is. I want to get into some RP! But, I'd like some... friendly advice. The do's and don'ts. I've read the rules, and all that good stuff.

I'm talking about, how to roleplay decently or... tips on how to start a good character. At the minute, all I've got is either try to beg someone popular to be there child. Or, a cute Kel'Dor.

So, fire away with your advice cannons!

Hello Darude, I enjoy Sandstorm a lot. Welcome to the site.

My Wisdoms to you: Don't run with scissors.

I am also pretty new here, been here for almost a month now, though the majority of stuff I did was Development, Obtaining, Training and Personal Discovery threads. All of this pretty much happened in solo threads because I personally enjoy making things, working for them and getting them approved as a means of fleshing out my character. As things are progressing, i'll have a bitchin' starship, a beastly armor, cool weapons and a sexy Artificial Intelligence.

That aside, I get that not everyone might enjoy solo RPing, so I guess you can always respond to one of thousand "Looking for a thread" threads.

That's about all the advice I got.
Well on making a character you're in luck! I'm currently planning a son for mine!

(Totally kidding, I'm in no way popular xD)

But honestly, just start with something simple, and roll with it. Orphans seem to be a common theme around here, I guess maybe it adds freedom or something. Either way, I've seen street rats, rulers, senators, and space cowboys. Anything is possible.

When it comes to roleplaying, just be natural. Play your character bow he is, even if he's a complete jerk. Don't automatically go for all of the power pieces, try to work your way up the ladder. Think of it as an MMO, but not one of those pay-to-win ones. You've gotta work for the flashy armor and moves. Also, remember that even heroes have scars. You're gonna get hurt at some point or another, so have fun with it :D I gave my character a scar that runs over the entire side of his face. A good reminder of one battle. Scars tell stories, give your character age and experience.


Welcome to Chaos! Hope you find what you're looking for.

Pretty open question and I'm not sure what to tell you, mostly because I don't know where you're at and what you already know. You've read the rules. Anything else I ramble on about would basically boil down to common sense + experience. I wouldn't worry about finding someone popular to tag along with. Create a character that's interesting to you without needing another character to add value to it.

If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Enjoy your stay :)

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun, and please ask any questions you have for us to help you!


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