Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heya, I'm new here.


Have fun, and remember to enjoy the Chaos.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or someone more qualified to actually answer questions. You know, like staff or something. If you have questions about how to ask questions, feel free to ask a question as well.
Yes, I went there.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I actually do have a couple of questions, sorry if they seem obvious, but they're things I've seen limited before. >_> Is it okay for my first PC to be a force user, and do I need to submit a creation topic for lightsabers or personal starships if they aren't heavily customized?

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko

BasiliskST said:
Is it okay for my first PC to be a force user
Yes you can. But you have to start at padawan unless you have transfred from another site then just show an admin of the proof of your rank.

BasiliskST said:
I need to submit a creation topic for lightsabers or personal starships if they aren't heavily customized?

The factory isn't mandatory but I personally advise it. It allows other writes to see the details of what said item is and what it can and cannot do. Although if it's things like stealth ships then you might want to look into submitting it with the required developments attached.
Thanks! And heya, Isley! And nah, wasn't going to be stealthed or anything fancy like that. Just a standard personal starship. Something along the lines of the Ebon Hawk or the Outrider, something like that.

Not unless you want one, not unless you really want to.

To further explain............

I never had a PC Master and managed with some effort and some faith placed in make it to Lord.

As far as NPC Masters you can always say your "Solo Training" was done by a NPC Master. The only time you would need to actually submit anything for approval is if the NPC Master was going to be teaching some crazy powerful and/or rare ability.

Connor Harrison

[member="BasiliskST"] Welcome to the Chaos!

Have fun, and please ask if you need help at any time.


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