Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi my name is Melissa (Felicity)

Theed, Royal Palace
[member="Felicity Mason"]

Why was the thirteen year old daughter of the second in command of the largest private military corporation currently sitting in the foyer of the Royal Palace on Naboo? Well that was a funny one, after her father had protected the Queen for a few weeks as a bodyguard of sorts they had made a sort of friendship, though it would be more correct to call it a acquaintanceship than a friendship, but it was still enough for Noah to trust Feena and her family to watch Melissa while he was away on a long mission. So that's why Melissa sat in a semi-comfortable chair in the palace foyer, a bag with all the things she would need for a three day stay.
And Felicity had been instructed to entertain her. Great. Felicity wasn't really one to play nice with other kids. Especially not girl. Especially not the girls who were daughters of influential people. They always wanted to be friends with her to get to her mother.

'Oh, Felicity, couldn't you ask your mother is she could make me a handmaiden?'
'Miss Felicity, do be a dear and ask your mother to support my Fathers political run.'
'Dearest fe-fe, couldn't you have your mother put in a good word for me? There's a love.'

She was sick of it. This kid was probably no different. Still, mom had agreed to look after her. So stupid. And she had asked Felicity specifically to be nice.

...Nice. She could almost feel her pride collapsing in on itself.

"Miss Corek, I presume?"
Felicity dipped into a well practiced bow. If she had to wear a mask for the next three days, then she would.

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Melissa's father had told her about Feena's daughter in passing, she was selfish, quick to anger, a bit of a bully and was very much thought extremely highly of herself when all she really was is a spoiled little princess. When she bowed, Melissa did the same, albeit a little more sloppily since she was the daughter of a soldier, not a noble. "You can just call me Melissa, Ms. Felicity." Melissa told her, giving off the usual Corek family grin as she picked up her bag off the floor and looked down at Felicity. Melissa had to admit, the physical difference was astounding, Melissa being over five inches taller and a good amount more muscled, if there was ever a fight, it was no wonder who would win between the two of them.
...But Felicity was a Mason girl. Height and muscle was not all it took in a fight. She had scars to prove that one must never discount a Mason on appearance alone. Daddy had trained her well. She had wit, and she had creativity. And the most important thing of all, The Masons knew how to fight dirty.

"Yes, of course, Miss Melissa," she replied, looking down her freckled nose at the girl, "So. How is your family? Are they well?"

Just the usual pleasantries. The truth was, she really cared very little. Most people didn't really care. That was just the way of high society. Fake a polite interest. It was more habit now than anything.

She was just waiting now. Any moment she would ask a favor of her. It was the only reason anybody came to see her family. It was the only reason anybody sent their children to talk to her. One really couldn't blame the Mason girl for being so selfish and angry. She so hated being used, and her only purpose in society was to be a stepping stone to reach her Mother.

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Felicity's father wasn't the only one to teach his daughter how to fight. Melissa's father had been a soldier for over fifteen years and had imparted on his daughter many nuggets of knowledge that would help her in a fight, even though the Corek family was rooted in honor and respect, they rarely fought that way, they were realists at heart and knew there was never such a thing as a fair fight. When Felicity said 'miss', Melissa cringed a little, just like her father, she hated formalities. "Not 'Miss Melissa' just Melissa." She told her with a genuine smile. When Felicity asked about her family, Melissa knew it was forced, but decided to go along with it anyway. "My dad is fine, away on a mission. But he is really the only family I have, my mother died when the Sith invaded Coruscant." Melissa informed her as she looked down at the floor with sadness, though unlike what Felicity thought, no favor was asked of her.
"Oh. I'm terribly sorry to hear that."

It was the expected response, yes, but it wasn't hard to give. Dead mothers were always tragic. If Felicity lost either of her parents, she was certain to be devastated. She, on some level, could at least be genuine about that.

The blond girl motioned for her to follow, and started walking, leading her down a long hallway filled with portraits and beautiful stained glass.

"So, Mis- I mean, Melissa. Where are you from exactly?"

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Melissa had expected the response, but unlike her other ones, this one was genuine and wasn't forced. When the comment of where she was from was put out there, Melissa was surely ready to answer. "Well like all other Corek's for the past four thousand years, I was born on Coruscant, but now I live on Fondor with my dad. He's a soldier for the Protectorate, well not really, he's a high-ranking member in the Omega Pyre, garnering a lot of respect, but still technically making him independent from the politics and rulings of the Protectorate, he really only answers to the Prex and the Protectors." Melissa told her after finishing her little mini-speech she took a small breather and began to follow closer behind of Felicity.

Not really. Felicity had known most of that. She payed close attention to Mothers relationships to people, and learned about those who she needed to. This girls father had been one of them.

"Any siblings?"
She was starting to run out of polite questions to ask, and they had not yet reached the guest room.

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Sibling? Melissa wished sometimes, it got a little lonely with just her and her dad, though she was making friends at school, it still wasn't the same. "Siblings? No. Sometimes I wish though, it gets lonely sometimes with just me and my dad. So can I start asking you questions or is this just gonna be a one way thing between us. Because if it is, it's gonna get really old, real fast." Melissa informed her as she began to chew on her lip a bit, a nervous habit that her father told her she needed to cut out, though he was a bit of a hypocrite since he had way more nervous habits then she did.
Thank the Force the girl spoke up. Felicity let out a sigh of relief and actually smiled.

"Ask away then," she said, turning down another hallway, "I was running out of polite questions anyway."

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
When Felicity asked for her to start shooting, she began to think of questions. "Well, lets start with some of the ones you asked me. Where are you from and do you have any siblings?" A simple, straight to the point question that didn't really require much thinking.
"Naboo," she answered, wondering if she really needed to bother asking that, "I have one sister. Her name is Celeste. She is eight."

That was a boring series of questions. She turned another corner. This hall was wider, statues on each side. Felicity loved this hall. It felt so big. So powerful.

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Admittedly the first question was a little obvious, since her mother was the Queen after all. "A little sister huh? I would kill for a sibling, my dad is a bit of a clutz when it comes to the ladies, thought he has had his eyes on a certain woman lately..." Melissa trailed off, both not wanting to talk about her fathers love life and gawking at the statues in the hall. "This is awesome!" Melissa proclaimed as her eyes panned to all the elaborately carved statues.
"This," felicity said, motioning to the statues, "Is Naboo. The history. Here we have statues of all the past rulers. Kings and Queens. My mother will be here one day too. When her term is up."

She smiled proudly, staring at the empty spot near the end where the latest Queen would go.

"So," Felicity spoke up after a moment, "Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Melissa smiled when Felicity explained what all the statues were. Like her father, Melissa loved history, loved learning about what had happened in the galaxy and pondering why the things happened. Though unlike her father, who enjoyed events like the Mandalorian Wars or the Clone Wars, Melissa preferred times of peace, though her father made the statement that peace couldn't be paid for without blood. When the topic of a boyfriend came up, Melissa sighed. "No, I haven't been able to get a boyfriend. If their brave enough to stay after what I've told them what my father does for a living, my dad usually scares them off. It seems every time I come home with a boy, my dad is sharpening a blade or cleaning a blaster or slugthrower." Melissa informed her as she moved her hair away from her eyes and looked forward.
Felicity actually giggled. She'd expected this question to elicit some other reaction. Blushing, or nervous giggling. Something stupid. No. She took her awkward question and handled it like a boss.

"Yeah. My dads about the same," she replied, "But to be honest, I've never actually brought a boy home to meet the parents. I guess they're scared off by my charm and wit."

She smirked, knowing full well the real reason. They weren't afraid of her wit. They were afraid of her. Pretty much all the men she knew were afraid of her. Except one. Just one. He stood up to her. He fought back.

She liked him for it. Not that she'd admit it, but she had at least managed to be nicer to him. He was still a rotten jerk to her, but at least he was a jerk she could talk to. She smiled down at her feet as she walked. Owain really was a pain...

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Melissa chuckled when Felicity compared her father and Melissa's father. "My dad is a good man, kind, caring and thoughtful, really people are scared of him because of what he does for a living. Personally I don't see why he kills people for a living, but when I asked, all he said was that I 'wouldn't understand.'" Melissa told Felicity, scoffing at the last sentence, truly she did love her father, but she hated it when he sheltered her and treated her like, well a child.
"...My dad has red cybernetic eyes and a lots of scars. But he's an amazing story teller and so very sweet. I think he loves mom more than life."

She shrugged, still leading the way. Her guest room was just at the end of this hall.

"He kills people too sometimes. When he has to. I don't really know what he does. He doesn't spent much time here, except to visit mom and me. Sometimes he'll stay for a week. We miss him when he's not here. Mom especially. But I don't think he feels comfortable on Naboo. Like he doesn't belong here. I think he could belong here if he wanted to. I wish he would just stay."

Now she was telling too much. She had a bad habit of doing that.

[member="Melissa Corek"]
[member="Felicity Mason"]
Melissa nodded when Felicity mentioned her father not being comfortable on Naboo. "I know what you mean, anytime my father and me are in a large crowd or on a planet like Maramere or Naboo or Dantooine, he seems restless, but when we're on planets like Fondor, he seems at home, almost like the peaceful planets are too peaceful and he prefers the hustle and bustle and danger of other planets. Well he did grow up on Coruscant so that might be why." Melissa informed her as she looked down at her shoes, she did love her father very much, but sometimes he had some strange habits and quirks.
Felicity nodded, understanding. They were near he guest room.

"Daddy was a slave on Nal Hutta. He doesn't talk about it much."

She looked a little uncomfortable all of a sudden. When she really thought about it, it was strange not to know very much about daddys family. She knew she had an Aunt Celeste that her sister was named after. She was dead. All of her grandparents were dead too. She never did bother to ask their names...

[member="Melissa Corek"]

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