Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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hi, nervous new guy here

Hi there. :)

I'm quite new to Star Wars RP'ing, and I just found this site recently via google (other search engines are probably available, but who cares about those losers;) ).

I am interested in the First Order, but what would be a good place to start off if you are unsure of what to do?
Do the Knights of Ren offer training, maybe I could be a Padawan (equivalent)?
Thanks. :)

Favourite star wars film: A New Hope

Favourite new canon novel: Bloodline
[member="Sivaprasad"] Welcome to Chaos!

I'm going to tag in [member="Rolf Amsel"] and [member="Natasi Fortan"] if you are interested in the FO. The Knights of Ren *definitely* offer training, and you would indeed start out at the lowest level and work your way up through the ranks.

Starting with a faction can be a good way to get your feet wet, while working with other similarly minded characters, rather than trying to move through the morass that open RPing can be.

If you have any other questions or need help, please don't hesitate to ask!
skin, bone, and arrogance
Thanks [member="Irajah Ven"]!

Welcome to SWRP [member="Sivaprasad"]! The First Order would be pleased to have you, and the Knights of Ren certainly offer training, so if that's your chosen path, I'll direct you to [member="Castor Ren"] or [member="Samka Derith"] who are sort of the point people for the Knights of Ren.

You can also feel free to PM me or reply here if you have additional questions.

I also liked Bloodline -- because it featured my favorite character, Princess Leia. :D
[member="Natasi Fortan"][member="Irajah Ven"]
Thank you very much to both of you for the warm welcome and helpful posts. I think I'm going to like it here. :)

So, how do I apply?

Actually, having looked at the First Order page, I may play a politician as well at some point. I have played a Senator briefly on another site.

Do you have political rp on this site? Or is it mostly combat?

Bloodline being my fave novel should say a lot. :)


Obviously Natasi can tell you more about how the FO works but you can sign-up for any faction by hitting the Join Faction button on their front page, perusing their subforum, and expressing interest just like you have here. :)

There is political RP on this site. There's all KINDS of RP! It's one of the nice things about a board of this size - you can find almost every genre.

I hope you have fun writing here!
A warm welcome to Chaos! :)
As stated above me, there's all sorts of rp here.

Now, I don't know much about the First Order...but if you'd like to thread with a Jedi recently turned mom, give me a shout.
May the force be with you.
I've been summoned.

Hello [member="Sivaprasad"]!

From my experience joining a faction is the best way to get started in the community as it can be very daunting to just walk in. Then once you're an established writer people are more open to role playing with other characters you make :) I know we at the First Order would be happy to have you around!

The first step should be to get your character's bio up after that just dive in with faction threads. If you have personal story-lines you want to get started with other writers, feel free to post in the LFG section and see what responses you get.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions or want help settling in!

Connor Harrison

[member="Sivaprasad"] Welcome to the Chaos. Enjoy your time here and keep the questions coming so we can help you out.

Remember - we were all new once, so we know how you feel. :)

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?



Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?

He's called Carl and he's from the film Up from Pixar. This is one when he was young. You can Google for other images:


How you change your avatar?
1.Go to your profile page (click on your current avatar (or lack of)).
2. Scroll down to your avatar
3. Click on the word 'Change'
4. Pop in the web-link to the image you want
5. If it doesn't work it might be the image is too large, so find a smaller one. Typically 400x400 is good

Hope that helps :)

Dan Rinell

Good ol' space cowboy
I'd be willing to. Albeit it would involve a money getting scheme... Shall we adventure off into this wonderful Galaxy, full of opportunities, and get rich? I'm ready to! How'bout you?

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