Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi! New guy here.

[member="Irajah Ven"][member="Seth Huze"] Hi there and thanks for the quick replies.

I have a question regarding character creation.

The character I have in mind is quite obviously, is a Skakoan (just to be different dunno) and I was wondering what you guys would suggest I do for a bio and for strengths and weaknesses.

I was thinking of making them out to be a sort of dull, calculating and neutral type that hangs on the outside of society (i.e. inconspicuous) , not really tethered to a single organization and if they were, it would have to a true-neutral type of faction or individual. I also was thinking of playing up the characters intelligence and savvy or (lack there of) for business and money.

What do you think?

Connor Harrison

[member="Gorm"] Welcome to the Chaos! Enjoy your time here, and shout if you need help at any time. :)

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