Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi new here

Hey new here (obviously love star wars) and I've been looking for a star wars role play experience or something like RP since I was like 12 any-who,
I still don't understand how to create a character and have never done RP before so I could relay use all the help I can get. Really eager to get into it
and would appreciate any help on how to get started. Interested in starting as a smuggler/outlaw. My favorite SW movie is Return of the Jedi and My Favorite SW Book/Comic for the new cannon is Master and Apprentice.(also really like lost stars)
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
We are absolutely happy to help you get started. Best way to get it done would be to hop into the Discord. From there we can get things go and give you a rundown on everything.

Just click the Discord icon in the top right to join the server.
STrash STrash , Welcome to Chaos! Happy to have you on board!

Creating a character is pretty simple once you know where to look and there's templates for nearly everything to help you out along the way as well.

This will be a helpful link for you as you get started and should lay a foundation of what you need to know to get started in the character creation department. After that I'd suggest poking your head around and seeing where you'd like to take your character and what stories you want to weave with them. We're all here to help if you have any further questions.

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