Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hi, Pirates!


Somewhere in the Outer Rim, where no one might think to find it, a frigate drifted like a leaf in the breeze, never mind the wind. The ship was called the Silent Squid but she was not as silent as she thought herself to be and, despite her wings, they did not have that same grace as the flowing tentacles of a squid did.

She had a crew to her name, pirates aplenty, and they were called the Scarlet Mirage. Sounded vicious, sounded hidden, lending credence to the name of their ship. A squid was a formidable fighter, and so was this vessel. Either could paint blood amid prey red as scarlet. Either was quiet; as faint as a mirage on the horizon.

Little did this vessel or her crew realize that they were being hunted like a lone bison in a herd that would not notice if one of its own were missing the next moment.

A gunship drifted in between the stars, heading toward its target. The ship was called Darkstar. Drane T’keen was the name of its pilot. He was a Thyrsian warrior as much as a Sith Knight. Either was similar. There was yet a difference between them.

Darkstar had since learned of her target’s coordinates and intended to ambush the pirate ship as the latter drifted, not simply between stars, but within an asteroid field. This is where the Silent Squid thought she would be safe. This is where Darkstar would determine her fate.

“Not long now,” Drane whispered within his cockpit. He was dressed in an appropriate outfit since he intended to board his target ship, pour vengeance upon its captain and take back his trinket. “Pirates. Pitiless vermin. You will get no pity from me.” The Thyrsian promised, and waited in silence.

Roxsie Roxsie

Pirates. Prime targets for a price. And of course, who cared what you took from them. And what was left of them. Roxsie didn't think herself necessarily sadistic, but it did make it much easier to handle an enemy when the quality of their remains was not of concern. Her own ship was only lightly armed, but wickedly fast. You just had to know how to use it.

And the target was pirates. For a space battle, she realized the possibility, however low, that she'd have to fight with a suit on. An unfortunate situation but still a concern, and so she'd made purchase from a place that was previously under Eternal Empire's rule, making her more familiar with it. An organic suit that could be altered, in this case, adjusted to be more prepared for the vacuum of space. It wasn't meant for the most extended of trips, but it'd do if need be.

The dark adept sighed as she ensured the helmet was attached properly, this should be interesting at the least. Maybe enough to get a more upgraded ship instead. Not that her own was bad. But it could do with an upgrade. While the Darkstar might drift closer, Roxsie took a more cliche approach. Pirates wanted to pick on the weak right, so give them something weak.

She prepared. She'd set up a bunch of false system alerts on the ship, as well as some tear-away wreckage that didn't inhibit the functions too much, but did make it look like some of the ship had recently caught fire. And then she dropped out of hyperspace in the area, her ship letting out a quite intentionally weak distress signal. Nobody would ever hear it beyond the asteroid belt of course, and she imagined the pirates would know that. The power of the ship would seem to flicker in and out. Make the ship look like it's barely holding together as she asked over the comes in as desperate a voice as she could manage without either bursting into laughter or snarling in disgust, "Help! Help! This is the Manka Cat. My ships falling apart, I don't know what's wrong! Can anyone hear me? Hello!"

If it failed, and she sensed they were going to open fire. She'd just have to activate the thrusters instantly and hope for a clean space battle. But...if they came to 'help' her. They'd be coming inside. And that she could deal with.
Drane T'keen Drane T'keen

Phrik sword
Rebreather that is styled like a golden lower skill.
VEV Starthrust Series Fast Courier
Tserim Organic Suit (increased vacuum/pressure to high at cost of kinetic and toxins/disease to low)
The wolf’s prey crept ever closer. Closer. Soon the wolf would pounce and take its prey down. Take out the armaments and the systems, harass its target, distract it, confuse it, then prove to be the last predator these pirates would ever see. “Closer,” the wolf whispered in his cockpit. “Come to my jaws. Into my maw.”

Then the unexpected happened. Another ship had just exited hyperspace. Reinforcements? That was Drane’s first thought. Yet this courier that had emerged was on fire, falling apart, and didn’t appear to be in league with these pirates. Clearly, given the communication broadcasted to the rocks if not beyond.

Manka Cat? Who owned this ship, a pop band? Drane was no ship aficionado, figured a ship for a courier when he spotted one, and this vessel did appear to be piratical enough in its usage, but not terribly expensive. That meant it was either worth the risk for the Silent Squid to tractor in or board given that it looked like it would explode any moment.

“Hello,” came the reply from the pirates. They hadn’t managed to zone in on just the lone ship, or maybe the courier’s communications were too damaged, because the pirates had also broadcasted. “This is the Silent Squid. Your ship does seem to be falling apart.” The frigate turned toward the courier. “We will help you if you help us.” Here we go. “A quick death for target practice.”

He couldn’t hear it but the Sith imagined there was laughter within the bridge of that frigate this very moment.

Before they could open fire, however, his gunship did. Darkstar came from out of nowhere, driving toward the stern of the Squid, and opened fire with ion cannons. The next hit would be a bit more malicious as the pilot prepared to do more than scare with the more lethal weapons of his vessel.

This wasn’t a charitable endeavor, of course. Rather, the courier would serve as a distraction whether it could fight back or not. Drane capitalized on the moment by attacking first. The predator’s prey was nearing his cave anyway.

Roxsie Roxsie

She listened to the response, briefly wishing she specialized in mental powers instead. Just to reach out and try and force them into boarding so she could make it easier. But such tactics were never a surefire thing, and also risked simply engaging in conflict sooner. An irritated groan escaped her as they answered, she didn't wait to respond back.

Just as Darkstar started, the so called "Manka Cat" stopped looking so feeble, it leapt forwards as if it had already been in motion, only requiring a slight lift for Roxsie to angle several astroids between herself and the Silent Squid and dropping the false signal. It had average manuverability for a ship it's size, but the wicked speed was what let her actually apply her piloting skills. A highly manuverable ship with average speed had to treat an astroid belt like many tiny safety points, and dart between them. A far faster ship with less manuverability, instead treated them as clumps. Shooting past them and only drifting slightly to one side or another so that an astroid or astroids that was already well behind them was now cover.

She spun the ship as she opened the comms again, "Don't announce that you karking spice chuggers." She scoffed, her voice completely losing that desperate sense she forced on it earlier. To her surprise though, the Silent Squid and her were no longer alone. A third party had gotten involved even before she'd made much distance, completely unwilling to stand aside while someone stole her kill, Roxsie dove back into sight lines, only just barely, firing first the 1 Mercybringer Ion Torpedo Launcher to try and break the shields down, it was completely unnecessary for her to get within their range with the weapon fortunately. And was a fantastic disabler, it would, however, probably mean this gunship would end up ruining any worthwhile salvage. But as long as she got paid, it was acceptable. Regardless, she started trying to close the range again, this time more slowly. Ready to angle to one side or another and blast off behind asteroids again at a moments notice.

"Who is this?" she demanded on open comms. Obviously she hoped, intended for the unknown gunship.

Drane T'keen Drane T'keen

Phrik sword
Rebreather that is styled like a golden lower skill.
VEV Starthrust Series Fast Courier
Tserim Organic Suit (increased vacuum/pressure to high at cost of kinetic and toxins/disease to low). Hooked to oxygen tank.[/spoiler]
So, moments later, the other ship in the distance, opposite the Silent Squid’s bow, was not so much of a sitting duck after all, as proven. It stood tall, in a manner of speaking, moving with speed and agility as fit its description if not its apparent condition. Tricky little bi— Unfortunately certain mental restrictions prevented Drane from finishing that sentence in full.

Karking spice chuggers? Now there was an insult if ever there was one. Though the pirates probably took it as a compliment. This one is feisty. He liked that in a woman. He also liked how she was quick to take the fight to her opponent after being mistaken for their target. That dropped her disguise but it did not toss her surprise fighting prowess. She was a ship to be reckoned with.

Between the ion weapons of both vessels, the Silent Squid was immobilized in one hit if not more than one, but Drane wasn’t counting anyhow. He had already since switched his cannons to typical blasters but they rained hell.

Aft cannons from his opponent fired back at him but the pirates were stationary in comparison to his agility. Darkstar moved, fluid with her evasion systems, launching countermeasures to scramble her enemy vessel, her prey, these pirates who had mistaken themselves for predators.

His blasters scratched cannons at their weakest positions. The more powerful armaments on this frigate sacrificed tracking for power which meant they needed more time to take aim and lock on; all the while Drane was having the time of his life by dodging with his smaller gunship which was no less of a threat by any means.

“Who is this?” It was a question and a message from the third ship which was no longer on the verge of exploding as it were.

“Drane T’keen of Darkstar,” he answered simply. He doubted she would know him anyway. He had no galactic reputation. “This ship is my prey, as are you if you get in the way.” Though his tone was less of a threat and more in amusement. “Join me, however, and this will go quicker and smoother.” He shoots. He hears the pirates whine but not on the comm. “Who are you, by the way?” He moves to board within this war.

Roxsie Roxsie

With her positioning getting some shots off at the enemy wasn't too hard, she was keeping her distance still since with the Dark star on the job it was completely unnecessary for her to try and close to optimal range for her blaster cannons. Still, she was getting shots off and keeping them off her own hull. She was also cautious of it, she wouldn't be letting an unknown ship show up, take her kill, then turn on her too. No opportunist was going to get the better of her.

He did at least respond, 'Drane T'keen of Darkstar' he answered. Well it was a name. Real or not. He was trying to lay claim to this prey and she growled slightly to herself at first, joke or not. "Don't tempt me." she muttered. Still, he offered to do it together to finish things up, she starts rushing in as she notice him go to board, intending to try and do likewise. That'd make things easier. She was a good pilot, but melee was where she could really do good. "Fine. I'm Roxsie V'Trechen. Not of the Manka cat." she hadn't really gotten to naming the thing. But she did want to insist that was in fact not the choice she would have made.

Roxsie prepared the ship to try and forcefully dock, assuming he'd done so already. She of course intended to make sure her own ship was locked behind her. No reason to take the risk one of them was going to try and take off without her knowing. Or this other fellow.

Drane T'keen Drane T'keen

Phrik sword
Rebreather that is styled like a golden lower skill.
VEV Starthrust Series Fast Courier
Tserim Organic Suit (increased vacuum/pressure to high at cost of kinetic and toxins/disease to low). Hooked to oxygen tank.
Roxsie V’Trechen. It was a name anyway. Not of the Manka Cat? Drane didn’t know what the heck that meant but whatever. More importantly they were on the same page and on the same team. Temporarily, at least. Whether she was just another pirate or not, they were both willing to work with each other until they captured their quarry. Whatever happened after that remained to be seen.

Captain T’keen found purchase on the target ship whose pirates he was actually after. He intended to board at a different position from his current partner. That would keep them separate as they ventured throughout the Silent Squid and would force her crew to split up in different directions.

As expected, there was some defense waiting for Drane within. After breaching an entry, helmeted and armored, blaster bolts soared toward him. However, his enemy didn’t expect a Sith. They were visibly surprised to find one as he flourished his weapons. A crimson blade emitted from each of two hilts that filled his grips, twirling and whirling those bolts back toward the shooters.

Someone shouted.

The Sith responded.

“I’M OUT!” One pirate turned around and ran.

“I don’t think so.” By that time, Drane had already laid waste to his immediate enemies after burning them with saber blades. He curled his fingers in and the runner soared toward him only to be levitated. “I have so many questions, and I don’t mean the origin to the stupid name of your ship. Where is your captain? In the bridge, I imagine.”

Roxsie Roxsie

She docked, checked her suit one more time, and pushed in standing with her phrik sword at the ready as heads shot towards her, she heard someone mutter 'is that a child...' and scowled, apparently shooting a 'child' wasn't all that important however as someone opened fire anyway. Roxsie flicked her blade swatting the shots aside as she started progressing on them, it hadn't the ease to send them rocketing back that a lightsaber had. But she didn't need that, she went from steps, to suddenly hurtling across the room with a force imbued leap at a mere foot above the ground completely outpacing their shots as a human torpedo. A meter before arriving at the first she shoved up again splitting the first pirates head in two, the two men nearby didn't get the chance to shout, as her blade spun in a horizontal arc cutting their throats each.

Two behind him stumbled back and she was forced to deflect their shots as they did so, one of them shouted something, she didn't care what. He was dead soon too. The last had each wrist with a hole in it and tossed aside, about to interrogate him before she tilted her head as she heard someone shout about sith, her eyes narrowed as she held the blade to her victims throat, "Sucks for you. There's more important people here." she muttered. He was dead now too.

She continued onwards, reaching out and ripping open the hatch before her to pass through, they were being attacked on all sides now. And it was not going well for them. The previous call for sith either was sending people scrambling to a presumed lesser of two evils, and cut apart, or scrambling to help their allies.
"COME AND GET ME!" she shouted amplifying her voice through the force as the phrik blade was sent hurtling into the chest of one of them and then yanked back to her to continue her pursuit. These pirates were meaningless filth of combatants. In a ship fight, they posed a threat. But in a closed off area like this where they couldn't possible amass the forces required for their skill level to fight her, they were nothing. A sith though...that was a curious presence.

Drane T'keen Drane T'keen

Phrik sword
Rebreather that is styled like a golden lower skill.
VEV Starthrust Series Fast Courier
Tserim Organic Suit (increased vacuum/pressure to high at cost of kinetic and toxins/disease to low). Hooked to oxygen tank.
From one corridor and forth to the next, Drane advanced and punished anyone dumb enough to contend with his presence and coming. Humbly, he offered his enemies a chance to surrender at certain encounters, such as when a cluster of pirates stood in the middle of a corridor determined to keep T’keen from advancing further.

“Surrender,” he offered. “And I will spare you. I am not after your heads or even your captain’s. I only want your treasure.”

Then again, that was probably the entirely wrong thing to say when it came to pirates and their booty.

“GET ‘IM!”

After a few -PEW!-PEW!-’s from the pirate group, blades came from yours truly, deflecting bolts toward skulls amid this and that way, then Drane came to separate heads from necks in a heartbeat.

Moments later and he would find his way toward the bridge. Granted, he didn’t expect what was promised to him to be within it, but that is where the captain was most likely to be and he would answer the Sith’s questions. If he didn’t? He would die screaming. A bit of a cliche, as they say, but so were the Sith to begin with, and Drane was dripping with tropes at the moment like this ship was an arena as much as the cinema.

Roxsie Roxsie

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