Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member

Her Imperial and Royal Highness
Victoria Sibyle Idonia Theodosia Sophronia Thorne III
"Yes, our army is Human, I am Human, and most of my advisers and military officers are Human. But that is merely the result of circumstance."
..:: Biographical Information ::..
Homeworld: Jandur
Birth Date: 808 ABY
Date of Death: N/a
..:: Physical Description ::..
Species: Human
Age: 36 Standard Years
Gender: Female
Height: 1.82 meters
Mass: 84.82 kilograms
Eye Color: Golden
Hair Color: Fiery-Red
Skin Color: Alabaster White
Force Sensitive: No
..:: Political Affiliations ::..
- Not Applicable
- Not Applicable
..:: Royal Titles ::..
Imperial De Jure Titles:
- Holy Jandur Empire
Monarchical De Jure Titles:
- Kingdom of Irsislea-Ithurlia
..:: Appearance ::..
Beauty is such an aspect that it can be called fickle, for all beauty is fleeting, yet for some it is held in such quantity that they appear as if they were a painting brought to life. She views herself as such; a work of art that has decided to grace the galaxy with her presence and yet while her outward appearance is such that it draws many to her, there are still just as many ugly scars shown upon her figure that she dare not allow any save those closest and most intimate of companions to see them. Whilst her face remains unmarred by any such thing, it is her body that otherwise shows the ravages that pushed her towards the throne.
Scars from burns and lashes show upon her figure; marks given to her by others that decided to enslave and use her for their own pleasures and desires. Scars remain from a time when she attempted (in the multiples), to take her own life. The most prominent and the one that pains her the most to remember is a small sliver just above her pelvis, a raised line that holds the darkest of her memories. Given to herself when she plunged a jagged shard of glass into herself and tore along in an attempt to end her suffering.
Among those are many others that mar her skin, breaking the alabaster with bits of discoloration to remind her of her past, one that she continues to flee from. Though she does her best to either hide them, or as the years have seen, she has begun to accept them as part of herself and part of what makes her truly beautiful. Yet it may be some time before she accepts them entirely.
She sees the galaxy, twisted as that vision may be, through vibrant golden hues as piercing as her stare. Each orb is further shown in its brilliance by the careful and skilled application of cosmetics and outlandish accessories that are just as much about showing her station in life, as they are for her to bring attention away from other aspects of herself. Cosmetics in general is the preferred paint that she uses to hide behind, keeping those around her from seeing the true self that she is; for while she knows her past, there are even fewer that known of it by design.
Of her mother's side she has inherited the fiery red mane of hair that those women had been known for, and it is for that simple fact that the rumors of her birth abound. Though she has gone to great lengths to silence them, her hair continues to cause them to grow; yet much like her eyes, she seems accepting of decorating the fire that resides upon her scalp with accessories and bobbles that would draw attention to her face and keep many enraptured with her appearance. Though cosmetics alone are not the only tool in her arsenal to keep the attention upon her.
Clothing serves its own purpose to her, and she has been known; even with the scars that mar her figure, to wear sultry ensembles that could make a Twi'lek dancer blush. More often than naught she is seen in the most regal and royal of wear, keeping her appearance in public as such that few outside of those she entertains in her hedonistic revelries would ever think she was anything less than a lady. Those that have attended more than a few of her soirees know though that she has just as much enjoyment in her own body as a few of her lovers have had.
In public though it is regal gowns that show very little skin, being more modest and conservative to the public eye. Flowing trails and frilly designs keeping her appearance royal and regal. Whilst in private, as mentioned of making a Twi'lek dancer blush, she is known for wearing such clothing that much of her body is visible and very little is left to the imagination. Those few times though she still retains the modesty to keep her scars, or at least those that she can, hidden from view; though more than one of her lovers have shown an appreciation for them which has caused her growing acception.
..:: Character Traits ::..
- Honesty, a trait so often over looked and not appreciated these days; as too often an individual wants to hear a lie rather than the truth. Yet for all of her pride and wroth, she is not one whom is willing to hold her tongue nor permit the truth from being known.
- Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and while this may be true in some aspects of her daily life, it is not the truth when it comes to how she deals with others. While her subjects know her for being wrothful, they also know her as being a Just ruler, one whom reigns with an iron fist though never out of spite nor proportion.
- Few in a position of power, or those with wealth heaped upon them can be said to be Charitable, and yet it is a trait often associated with the Empress. While she is known for her lavish galas and hedonistic revelries, she is also known as being one whom would just as easily extend her hand and that very wealth to aid those in need.
- Those that are slothful are those that are bound for a life of failure and monotony, thus it is the Diligent among the individuals that ensure the continuation and growth of great Empires. Thus it is none the less true, nor is it lost upon her that to truly become more powerful her actions must be as such that the sin of sloth does not take hold.
- Administration ensures the continued machinations and development of all things. It is through those capable Administrators that entire Empires continue to push forward and it is their actions, be they diligent or slothful that such powers can rise or fall. For her she is of the former, one that uses their diligent focus to ensure the growth of her power and the continued survival of her Empire.
- For all of her flaws, and her sins that she is so fond of, they can not hold a flame upon the greatest of her achievements. For her, known to her people, she is a Grey Eminence, a being of focus and one that whose silver tongue aids in diplomacy. She does not seek to use a blade, when her own words can cut deeper than any edge.
- While not entirely a strength on its own, it is still a character trait that she takes great pride in, and ensures that her Attractiveness has no equal, nor does it diminish as she ages. It is this alone that leads her to falling to pride, though it is a concern that she either does not pay attention to; or she simply does not care and is willing to accept the dangers that such a sin brings.
- Just as equally, while not a strength, it is more a matter of pride and prestige that she can call herself a Falconer. In the gardens and towers of the grand palace, she has dozens if not hundreds of birds of prey that are used for all manner of tasks. Each one being more expensive and colorful than the last. Often she finds herself gifting such birds to foreign dignitaries or her allies as a sign of respect.
..:: Character Flaws ::..
- For an individual to be called a Kinslayer is a far greater disgrace than any other accolade or insult that could be lain upon them. For her though this is a flaw that she has embraced and has put more of her own family to the blade than her own enemies, for each move was carefully calculated and thus it is her consolidation of power that has earned her such a moniker.
- Morality exists in a grey area, and yet there are many who view various actions as being the paragon of ones existence, or the bane of others. Far more is the concept of honor, for there is none that truly exist and it is those that believe in such a construct that find her most reserved and used punishment for her enemies and law breakers as being the most disgraceful. Though she holds this punishment in reserve and often only shows the gruesome act of being an Impaler to those that would be well served in the reminder that she will not tolerate those that would act against her.
- Whispers abound of her legitimacy; thus it is thought that she slain her kin as a means to hide and destroy any knowledge that she is a Bastard, born from the affair between her father and a lowly servant girl. Though she has ensured that her truth is the one known to the public, that she is of pureblood and any who would say otherwise often find themselves upon the sharp end of a spike and put on display. Though the idea of such knowledge being known to others brings about constant Insomnia and Paranoia that otherwise affect her actions.
- Wroth and Pride go hand in hand, and while she may reign with a just hand, it is when her pride is harmed or her wroth brought out that she shows the true extent of her anger. Time however has carefully tempered her wroth, and while her pride is still not as easily shaken or harmed these days, it was far different when she was younger, when the true extent of her wroth was felt by her family and those that would otherwise speak out against her taking the throne.
- Few are those that would say no to their liege, and when it comes to the Empress, she is one that has fully embraced her Lustful nature. Even in her youth when she was a teen she would ply her lithe figure and her natural beauty to gain what she wanted or to slip out of punishment. Thus as she grew, she naturally developed into a Master Seductress, batting her eyes, and flashing her supple flesh to both sexes to gain what she wanted most, and to ensure that her plans an none others were the only to succeed.
- Few can contend with the Zeltron and their world of pleasure and libation, save it is said for the Empress. She is known for her Hedonistic revelries. Grand parties that offer the desires, pleasures and libations of all those whom attend. Of course while some of those desires are a little more unsavory or what one would call immoral, she none the less provides for such pleasures. Those that attend often find a numerous amount of rooms, each set aside for a specific purpose, be it to enjoy the Lekku of a Twi'lek woman, or to find oneself at the mercy of a Cordu-Ji, among other activities that should not be spoken of in polite society.
..:: Biography of an Empress ::..
..:: Inauspicious Birth ::..
The events that culminated in her conception and eventual birth where not wanted, nor desired. Her mother was a simple servant, a slave forced to work in the home of the Imperial family where her father, the then Crown Prince had been eyeing the woman. Of course being a royal, he had never had anyone tell him No, and that was more than enough cause for him to take what he wanted. This in itself was the beginning of a life that would be fraught with horror after terror heaped upon the girl that would be born. Numerous times during her mother's pregnancy, her mother attempted to take her own life or the life of her unwanted child. Even though she was nothing more than a bastard, her father viewed this as treason and forcefully imprisoned the woman, forcing her to come to term.
Once the girl was born though, the mother saw her only means out and within moments of having given birth, she managed to kill herself, leaving the girl without a mother. It was at this point that her life would turn and take upon the fledgling designs of pain that was to be thrust upon her. She was not the only child of the Crown Prince, merely the only bastard in a line of legitimate children who saw her as nothing to them, nor as even kin.
There were plenty of occurrences that caused her father to hide her away and keep her from the harm that her half siblings sought to cause. Though this merely pushed her further from him, and from time to time he would only visit, seeing her more as a curiosity than as a real daughter. This behavior, this relationship would also cause its own mark that would lead her to push away from what one would call her 'proper place'.
..:: A Curiosity in a Cage ::..
A life of being nothing more than a bird in a gilded cage is not a life that any would desire, nor would many wish to be that which an enemy experiences. This though was the life that she was forced to endure, a life in which her father only visited when he decided he wanted to, or he deemed it as needed. Of the years though, this soon became nothing more than a hassle, and little by little she saw less and less of her father. This though is when the pain begins, for soon she was alone in the galaxy, left to her own devices in a manor that was hidden away. Few visitors save for a tutor here or there, as she was forced into the care of droids leaving her devoid of contact with any other living individuals. That is until the night when she would find herself forced into a situation that her mother found herself.
..:: A Life of Pain ::..
She had wanted for nothing save the contact with other living beings beyond the mechanical minds and voices of droids. For her though, that desire, that dream would turn into a nightmare. As she slumbered the home she had lived in, had been caged in was attacked. Her siblings had found her, her father had been dead for some time and now her siblings wanted to ensure that she would not return to haunt them or cause them problems. Those that arrived grabbed her, took her and enslaved her to be nothing more than a pet. At this time she was a young adult, barely sixteen when she was forced from her home and thrown about a vessel between the crew members. This is where the scars began to grow, to show as she was tortured for the delight of those that claimed her as a slave.
When she was forced into a situation that her mother had been, she took a knife to her stomach and succeeded where her mother had failed. Though while the child died, and she ultimately survived, the damage done by the blade would ensure that she would never again carry a child or even been capable of reproducing. It was a sacrifice that she was willing to make, though her actions caused her even more pain as her abusers became worst.
One night though as they slept, she found her only chance and she took it, deciding it was the only way to be free of her captors. Using her own body she managed to lull that night's tormentor into a sense of false security, the look of surprise upon his face was one thing that she remembered with great pleasure when she finally slid the blade into his throat. Thus she slowly moved about the vessel, one by one the blade found the throats of those that had tormented her, and when the final stroke happened, she was alone on a quiet vessel.
..:: Kinslayer ::..
A title that would be placed upon her, yet it was a title that many would say she did not deserve, for how could one slay their kin if they are never accepted as such. Could she truly have been a kin slayer when her own family, her siblings thought nothing of her? History will remember her as such though, and even now after these years she has come to accept and embrace the moniker. That which her siblings sought to do though, to remove her from their family and prevent her from becoming a threat had not been accomplished. She returned with a fury that was well founded, and even with her being a bastard she took what she viewed was hers by the right of her father's blood. The throne of Jandur and all of its holdings would fall under her reign, one that would be ushered in with blood.
One by one she hunted her own siblings down, putting them to the spike first, then to any whom would doubt her legitimacy or her reign. She carefully sought out all those that would stand against her and slew them one by one. In the end there was only one standing, the newly crowned Empress.