Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi, The Unknown One here!

Ava Solborne

I have already posted a few things here, but then I thought, that maybe I should be more social and post my greetings topic here. So, hi! I have role played for about 3 years, but this is my first time to actually role play in a RPG, what uses English language. I made an account to one other English RPG, but it is so inactive, that I actually couldn't play there at all. :(
I have made many RPG forums, two of them were extremely popular, but... they were Estonian.

If someone would like to play with me, I would appreciate that very much. The biggest problem with the topics now posted is, that they are already on. I am not very good at joining the topics, where the story and the game has already begun, but I am not that skilled to start a new topic.

Maybe you didn't understand me very much, but... Hi!
Understood, your English is actually really good! We have a lot of patient people here that would love to write with you, and we even have some bilingual folks. Let me know if you have any questions about Character Creation or joining Factions.

And more importantly, welcome to the Star Wars RP. :)
Welcome to the site. English is not my native language too. Oh, and calm down, your English skills are impressive and you will get to RPing so don't worry too much, you also made a nice character. Have fun. And don't trust blondes.

Ava Solborne

Thank you all!
Spencer, I would really like to start topics with you, I'll PM when I can.
Tagaea, nice to hear, that you liked Estonia.
Zef Halo said:
Welcome to the site. English is not my native language too. Oh, and calm down, your English skills are impressive and you will get to RPing so don't worry too much, you also made a nice character. Have fun. And don't trust blondes.
Don't trust blondes D: But I'm very trustworthy!!!!

And I can't wait for your PM :D.
Hahaha welcome to the boards Unknown.

Since I am Sith and you are Jedi we probably will be encountering each other a lot. Just look at the way I poke Jor'si. Anyway welcome to the board. If you want to start a rp why not drop me a pm and we can discuss possibilities. Cheers.

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